Changelog for QCoDeS 0.1.9 ========================== This release changes the API of Parameters in QCoDeS, reducing the amount of Parameter classes. It also introduces tests for VisaInstrument drivers via the PyVISA-sim backend. Note: This is the last QCoDeS release before the new dataset and as such it will be the last QCoDeS release to support python 3.5. New & Improved ______________ - New and Improved drivers: - New driver for HP8753D Spectrum Analyzer (:pr:`843`) - Fixes to Decadac driver (:pr:`756`, :pr:`838`, :pr:`857`, :pr:`876`) - Unification of existing Keysight waveform generator drivers (:pr:`758`) - New driver for Keysight Infiniium MSOS104A oscilloscope (:pr:`766`) - New driver for Keysight N51x1 RF source (:pr:`796`) - New driver for Keysight E8267D (:pr:`892`) - New driver for Mini-Circuits RF switch USB-4SPDT-A18 (:pr:`891`) - New driver for Mini-Circuits RF switch RC-xSP4T (:pr:`814`) - New driver for Mini-Circuits RF switch RC-1SP4T (:pr:`814`) - New driver for Mini-Circuits RF switch USB-4SPDT (:pr:`814`) - New driver for Spirack module (:pr:`847`) - Fixes to IVVI (:pr:`919`) - Features added to ZI UHF-LI driver (:pr:`883`, :pr:`879`, :pr:`870`, :pr:`685`) - New driver for Cryogenic SMS120c (:pr:`819`) - New driver for Rohde & Schwarz RTO 1000 oscilloscope (:pr:`679`, :pr:`907`) - New drivers for Stanford Research Instruments lock-in amplifiers SR860 and SR865 - New driver for Tektronix AWG70000A series (:pr:`761`, :pr:`911`) - New fast sweep feature for and channelisation of Tektronix Keithley 2600 (:pr:`747`) - New driver for Yokogawa GS200 - New features: - Simulated instruments using PyVISA-sim for driver testing (:pr:`859`) - New Parameter API (:pr:`651`) - Documentation improvements: - MatPlot Guide (:pr:`762`) - Obsolete examples removed (:pr:`918`) - New and easier installation instructions (:pr:`841`) Breaking Changes ________________ - The Parameter API changed. There are no longer StandardParameters and ManualParameters can be avoided.