Changelog for QCoDeS 0.13.0 =========================== The April 2020 release of QCoDeS Breaking Changes: _________________ * The dictionary ``station.components['config']`` representing a Station configuration loaded from a YAML file has been moved to ``station.config``. The same change is reflected in the snapshot and the config can now be accessed via ``station_snapshot['config']``. (:pr:`1913`) * The ``QCoDeS`` configuration module has moved from ``qcodes.config`` to ``qcodes.configuration`` to disambiguate it from the current active config which is defined in ``qcodes.config`` as always (:pr:`1682`) * It is now an error to overwrite get and set in a ``_BaseParameter`` subclass. Users have been warned against this for a long time (:pr:`1946`) * The legacy api such as Loop, active_loop, active_data_set, Measure, DataSet, new_data, load_data, Task, Wait, BreakIf, FormatLocation, DataArray, Formatter, GNUPlotFormat, HDF5Format, DiskIO, are no more imported in ``QCoDeS`` namespace by default. The core config now contains a new flag `import_legacy_api` that can be set to True if the legacy api needs to be imported in the ``QCoDeS`` namespace. (:pr:`1962`) * The Deprecated ``log_analysis`` module has been retired (:pr:`1950`) Improved drivers: _________________ * Types have been added to init functions of the concrete Keysight DMM drivers classes (:pr:`1969`) Improved: _________ * The public QCoDeS api imported from the toplevel qcodes namespace can also be imported from their respective modules for ex ``qcodes.dataset``, ``qcodes.instrument`` etc. (:pr:`1962`) * Complete types have been added to the qcodes station (:pr:`1913`) * ``get_last_run`` has been improved to match the signature of ``get_runs`` (:pr:`1960`) * The Snapshot of ``station.config`` (and other UserDicts) has been improved so that it can be reloaded back into a dict (:pr:`1961`) Documentation: ______________ * Improvements to several notebooks showing a better way of customizing parameters (:pr:`1973`) * An option to execute Jupyter notebooks via Binder has been added (:pr:`1943`, :pr:`1948`) * A note that measurement context managers do not nest has been added (:pr:`1949`) * A Typo in a Dynacool docstring has been corrected (:pr:`1952`) * A note on limitations in delegate parameter has been added (:pr:`1953`) * The attribute documentation for parameter has been improved (:pr:`1956`) * B1500 documentation is included in the docs (:pr:`1971`) Deprecations: _____________ * ``get_data`` and ``get_values`` methods in dataset have been deprecated (:pr:`1941`) Under the hood: _______________ * Use pytest retry to re-execute known flaky test (:pr:`1940`) * Update azure pipelines images (:pr:`1938`) * Remove the debug log from data_set (:pr:`1942`) * Code simplifications (:pr:`1944`) Recommended dependencies: _________________________ * Typechecking is performed with mypy 0.770 (:pr:`1935`) * Documentation is build with latest sphinx patch release (2.4.4) (:pr:`1954`) * Recommended version of h5py is 2.10 (:pr:`1955`, :pr:`1958`) * Hypothesis version installed for testing is limited to <5.6.0 (:pr:`1959`) * Python version installed into conda env updated to 3.7.7 (:pr:`1963`)