Changelog for QCoDeS 0.14.0 =========================== The May 2020 release of QCoDeS Breaking Changes: _________________ * Community drivers that were shipped with ``QCoDeS``, and were deprecated and moved to `qcodes_contrib_drivers `_ some months ago, are now removed from ``QCoDeS``. * Remove deprecated ``make_unique`` helper function (:pr:`1985`) * Remove deprecated ``LogCapture`` that is now in ``logger.logger`` module (:pr:`1984`) * Remove deprecated ``DataSet.make_complete`` method (without "d") (:pr:`1978`) * Remove deprecated ``is_number`` helper function from ```` (:pr:`1979`) * Remove deprecated setter for parameter's ``raw_value`` property (:pr:`1982`) * Remove deprecated layouts/dependencies/paramspecs-related sqlite queries (:pr:`1986`) * Remove deprecated ```` with ``Publisher`` and ``UnboundedPublisher`` (:pr:`1983`) * Remove deprecated ``_save_val`` method of ``_BaseParameter`` (:pr:`1980`) * Remove deprecated ``qcodes.dataset.sqlite_base`` and ``qcodes.dataset.database`` modules (:pr:`1981`) * The ``name`` and the ``short_name`` attributes of the _BaseParameter have become read-only. It is not possible to change the name or short_name of the parameter after instantiation. (:pr:`1989`) Improved drivers: _________________ * Improvements to ``KeysightB1520A`` to fix the following two issues. First, ``is_enabled`` function outputs `False` instead of throwing an error if channels are not enabled. Second, the values of ``voltage_dc``, ``voltage_ac``, and ``frequency`` parameters can be raised/decreased at a specified rate by defining the step attribute of these parameters. (:pr:`1998`) * New method to increase or decrease the range of the ``Keysight344xx`` drivers. This method can access and search ranges and implements them into the setter. (:pr:`1996`) * Coerce ``KeysightB1500`` coefficient for nplc settings to int. The b1500 instrument does not update integration time if it receives a non-int value. (:pr:`1987`) * Added parameters to ``KeysightB1520A`` driver to allow CV staircase sweep. The ``setup_staircase_cv`` method can be used to set-up the state of the CMU for CV staircase sweep and ``run_sweep`` method to run the sweep measurements. Look at CV Sweep section of example notebook for more description. (:pr:`2011`) Improved: _________ * ``Parameter`` name and short name are now a read only property and thus immutable. (:pr:`1989`) * Add settable/gettable attribute to ``Parameter``. This enables any user to detect if a parameter can be get/set without having to use getattr/hasattr introspection on the parameter. (:pr:`1976`) * Fixed ``DelegateParameter`` unit test that previously would not run. (:pr:`2004`) * Ensure ``DelegateParameter`` cache matches source parameter. (:pr:`2000`) * Do not overwrite ``get`` at init of ``GroupParameter``. (:pr:`1994`) Under the hood: _______________ * Proper changes in tests of doNd utility so that temporary databases are used. This change is necessary for parallel processing of tests. (:pr:`2002`) * Exclude pylint version 2.5.0, this version produces ImportError on collection of module. (1991) * Fix for slack module when a user has not send any messages. (:pr:`1990`) * Pytest fixtures are now used for tmp dir creation in tests. (:pr:`1988`) * Fix test for legacy combined loop necessary for pytest-xdist. (:pr:`2009`)