Changelog for QCoDeS 0.19.0 =========================== The October 2020 release of QCoDeS. Breaking Changes: _________________ - A number of long deprecated drivers have been removed: * ``Keysight_344xxA`` drivers: Use ``Keysight_344xxA_submodules`` drivers (:pr:`2325`) * ``QDac`` driver: Use ``QDac_channels`` driver as an alternative (:pr:`2314`) * ``keithley_2600``: Use ``keithley_2600_channels`` as an alternative (:pr:`2315`) - In the ``QDac_channels`` driver a deprecated parameter (``fast_voltage_set``) and a deprecated method (``read_state``) has been removed (:pr:`2314`) New: ____ - Add optional shape metadata to dataset (:pr:`2145`) - Allow string and time/datetime data to be stored in array measurements (:pr:`2313`) - ``KeysightB1511B`` SMU driver has been added for support with the B1500 (:pr:`2278`) - Notebook: Example of how buffered sweep could be done on param with setpoints (:pr:`2263`) - Add ``allow_changes`` option to ``set_to`` method of ``Parameter``, and add another context manager for restoring current value (:pr:`2220`) Improved: _________ - Station: Take verbose error message when validating station yaml against schema (:pr:`2282`) - Fix ``Sequence`` validator ``sorted`` check to work correctly with sequence types other than list (:pr:`2271`) - Experiemnt widget: sort ``None`` timestamps as oldest (:pr:`2275`) - Use predefined mock instruments in docs (:pr:`2190`) - Support pyvisa 1.11 (:pr:`2304`) New drivers: ____________ - Alazar ATS9440 card (:pr:`2258`) Improved drivers: _________________ - AMI430: ``has_current_rating`` has been removed in the driver to work with the new firmware version (:pr:`2291`, :pr:`2312`) - Small typo fix in alazer drivers (:pr:`2296`) - Yokogawa GS200: ``source_mode`` bug fix (:pr:`2143`) and update its example notebook (:pr:`2197`) - Keysight B1517A: Improvments for valid voltage and current output ranges (:pr:`2278`) - Keithley 3706A: improvements / warnings cleanup (:pr:`2318`) - Yokogawa GS200: Add trigger, and program features (:pr:`2138`) - Keithley 7510: Add digitizer feature (:pr:`2138`) Under the hood: _______________ - Filter out telemetry messages in console handler (:pr:`2322`) - Docs: add title to home page, and make version bar appear (:pr:`2323`) - Small improvements in legacy data notebook (:pr:`2295`) - Station example doc: update update_config_schema example to refer to qcodes_contrib_drivers (:pr:`2272`) - Fix header levels in example notebooks (:pr:`2265`) - Fix legacy imports in driver examples (:pr:`2249`) - rework 2d tests to sweep over two separate parameters (:pr:`2187`) - Update test for ``get_data`` method (:pr:`2196`) - Fix some of the warnings triggered by numpy 1.19 (:pr:`2239`) - Pylint and it's dependencies removed from test_requirements (:pr:`2297`) - Expand documentation requirments.txt (:pr:`2289`) - Move tests related to loop etc to a legacy folder (:pr:`2238`) - Legacy: ensure that datasets have unique names to avoid potential race condition (:pr:`2276`) - Don't exclude instrument drivers from codecov (:pr:`2326`) Dependencies: _____________ Please note that these dependencies are only related to `requirements.txt` - Update lxml requirement from ~=4.5.1 to ~=6.0.0 (:pr:`2300`) - Update traitlets requirement from ~=5.0.4 to ~=5.0.5 (:pr:`2298`) - Update nbclient requirement from ~=0.5.0 to ~=0.5.1 (:pr:`2299`) - Update zipp requirement from ~=3.3.0 to ~=3.3.1 (:pr:`2294`) - Update hypothesis requirement from ~=5.37.1 to ~= 5.37.3 (:pr:`2287`) - Update pillow requirement from ~=7.2.0 to ~=8.0.0 (:pr:`2286`) - Update nbformat requirement from ~=5.0.7 to ~=5.0.8 (:pr:`2288`) - Update iniconfig requirement from ~=1.0.1 to ~=1.1.1 (:pr:`2283`) - Update opencensus-ext-azure requirement from ~=1.0.4 to ~=1.0.5 (:pr:`2279`) - Update opencensus-context requirement from ~=0.1.1 to ~=0.1.2 (:pr:`2167`) - Update opencensus requirement from ~=0.7.10 to ~=0.7.11 (:pr:`2280`) - Update prompt-toolkit requirement from ~=3.0.7 to ~=3.0.8 (:pr:`2273`) - Update colorama requirement from ~=0.4.3 to ~=0.4.4 (:pr:`2274`) - Update codecov requirement from ~=2.1.9 to ~=2.1.10 (:pr:`2267`) - Update sphinx-jsonschema requirement from ~=1.16.4 to ~=1.16.5 (:pr:`2266`) - Update tqdm requirement from ~=4.50.1 to ~=4.50.2 (:pr:`2260`) - Update google-api-core requirement from ~=1.22.3 to ~=1.22.4 (:pr:`2246`) - Update pandas requirement from ~=1.1.2 to ~=1.1.3 (:pr:`2248`) - Update google-auth requirement from ~=1.22.0 to ~=1.22.1 (:pr:`2245`) - Update sphinx-jsonschema requirement from ~=1.16.3 to ~=1.16.4 (:pr:`2247`) - Update pytest requirement from ~=6.1.0 to ~=6.1.1 (:pr:`2241`) - Update gitpython requirement from ~=3.1.8 to ~=3.1.9 (:pr:`2229`) - Update jupyterlab-pygments requirement from ~=0.1.1 to ~=0.1.2 (:pr:`2226`) - Update nest-asyncio requirement from ~=1.4.0 to ~=1.4.1 (:pr:`2224`) - Update tqdm requirement from ~=4.49.0 to ~=4.50.0 (:pr:`2219`)