Changelog for QCoDeS 0.4.0 ========================== The June 2019 release of QCoDeS adds final touches to support for complex-valued data, includes under-the-hood improvements, and ships a couple of new instrument drivers as well as improvements to existing instrument drivers. New & Improved: _______________ - Native support for complex-valued data: - Support for plotting complex-valued datasets in `plot_by_id` (:pr:`1592`) - Reorg Parameter notebooks and add basic complex numbers notebook (:pr:`1568`) - QCoDeS Workflow: - Add `plot_dataset` function to plot given data set without specifying id as in `plot_by_id` (:pr:`1614`) - Instruments - Fix / snapshot_base `params_to_skip_update` behavior (:pr:`1584`) - Database upgrades: - DB version 6 - version contents of `run_description` column (:pr:`1577`) - Old dataset: - Change `HDF5FormatMetadata` to not sort keys in the metadata (:pr:`1581`) Instrument drivers: ___________________ - New Drivers: - Keysight B1500 Parameter Analyzer (:pr:`1573`) - Tektronix Oscilloscopes: MSO/DPO5000/B, DPO7000/C, DPO70000/B/C/D/DX, DSA70000/B/C/D, and MSO70000/C/DX (:pr:`1579`, :pr:`1606`) - Improved Drivers: - Lock-in Amplifiers: - ZI UHF-LI: fix `scope_mode` and `scope_average_weight` parameters (:pr:`1597`) - Add jumbo frames and reference clock source parameters to ZIUHFLI (:pr:`1590`) - Magnets: - Two fixes for Oxford IPS120 driver. (:pr:`1619`) - Source Meters: - Keithley 2600: Add list to hold channels (:pr:`1603`) - QuTech instruments: - M4i: fix incorrect return value for `ACDC_offs_compensation_x` (:pr:`1585`) - M4i: get ACDC offset compensation (:pr:`1596`) - D5a: Add `set_dac_unit` method (:pr:`1582`) - D5a: Updating vals when unit is updated (:pr:`1589`) Miscellaneous: ______________ - Documentation: Explicit experiment in notebooks (:pr:`1612`) Under the hood: _______________ - Use perf_counter, not monotonic for DB flushing (:pr:`1498`) - Don't get db location from config if sqlite connection supplied (:pr:`1618`) - Don't read from layouts and dependencies tables in QCoDeS (:pr:`1572`) - Reorganization of sqlite-facing modules (:pr:`1570`) - Reorganization of run descriptions module structure (:pr:`1577`)