Changelog for QCoDeS 0.9.0 ========================== The December 2019 release of QCoDeS New: ____ * Call ``start_all_logging`` on qcodes import. See this example_ for more details on how this can be configured. (:pr:`1850`) Improved: _________ * Improvements to dataset notebooks (:pr:`1813`) * Fix warning in matplotlib plotting for legacy dataset (:pr:`1839`) * Add electrical delay parameter and function set_electrical_delay_auto for ZNB driver (:pr:`1849`) * Keysight 344xxA: Fix formatting issues (:pr:`1851`) * Fix docstrings in (:pr:`1855`) * Update add option to save waveform to usb (:pr:`1716`) New Instrument drivers: _______________________ * Keysight 34980A driver (:pr:`1810`, :pr:`1867`) Under the hood: _______________ * Move QCoDeS import into function that needs it to break potential circular import (:pr:`1870`) * Fix return type of _BaseParameter.__call__ (:pr:`1839`) * CI: Trigger azure pipeline on tags (:pr:`1837`) * CI: Travis don't apt-get install (:pr:`1842`) * CI: Travis Explicitly whitelist branches and tags to build (:pr:`1865`) * CI: Check for consistent line ending using Codacy (:pr:`1866`) * CI: Also trigger azure builds on release branches (:pr:`1868`) * CI: Azure twine -r name should match service endpoint (:pr:`1869`) Breaking Changes: _________________ * ``StandardParameter`` after long deprecation period has been removed (:pr:`1859`) * ``Parameter.set_validator`` method after long deprecation period has been removed (:pr:`1856`) Deprecations: _____________ * Setting ``Parameter.raw_value`` (for example ``p.raw_value = 2``) is deprecated because it can lead to inconsistent state of the parameter. Use ``Parameter.set`` or ``Parameter.cache.set`` methods instead. (:pr:`1857`) * Private method ``Parameter._save_val`` that has been spotted in use in instrument drivers is deprecated now. Use ``Parameter.set`` and ``Parameter.cache.set`` methods instead. (:pr:`1858`) Recommended Dependencies: _________________________ * Type checking should be done with Mypy 0.750. (:pr:`1863`) * Docs are build using Sphinx 2.2.2 (:pr:`1864`) .. _example: ../examples/logging/logging_example.ipynb