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Platform Design

The following sections cover important design aspects of the Virtual Client platform application. This document is written for engineers and technical roles who are interested in how the Virtual Client platform and application is designed. The application itself is a .NET 8.0 command line application written in C# that is has both cross-platform and multi-architecture support. It is compiled to support both Windows and Linux operating system platforms as well as x64 and arm64 architectures. The choice to implement the application using managed code was made to enable a foundation for ease-of-rapid feature development at the same time as meeting all of the requirements for cross-platform + architecture support. Additionally, the .NET 8.0 framework integrates all of the performance and runtime efficiency work done by the .NET Core team over the past 5 years into a unified platform.

Application Concepts

The following sections describes some of the high-level concepts and features sets of the Virtual Client platform.

Workload/Test Profiles

Workload profiles define a set of one or more different ways to run a given workload or test on a system. The primary goal of these workload profiles is to evaluate the system in a wide range of different ways. This in turn ensures that each round of execution of a workload on the Virtual Client platform can produce a breadth and depth of results that are useful in comparing the performance of the system. Each of the workload profiles are tailored based on feedback from subject matter expert teams in the Azure organization as well as from empirical evidence derived from running them in large-scale experiments. The Virtual Client has ran on more than a million VM systems (Windows and Linux) in the Azure cloud.

Using the example below as a reference, there are a 3 different fundamental sections inside a workload profile:

  • Parameters
    At the top of most workload profiles are a set of one or more parameters. These parameters are referenced by each of the other components throughout the rest of the profile. Before a workload runs, all parameter references in a workload profile will be replaced with the concrete values defined in the profile parameters at the top. Additionally, any parameters defined at the top of a workload profile can be overridden on the command line. This feature allows for flexibility in running workloads for different scenarios while not reducing the cohesion and validity of the goals that originally informed the design of the workload profile (this latter point is why not all parameters are allowed be overridden).

    # An example of overriding the profile parameters so to use a smaller DiskSpd test file footprint. This might
    # for example be a scenario where the local/temp disk on an Azure virtual machine should be tested. These disks
    # are often very small and so the default 496G file size would be way to big.
    # In the example JSON below, you will also see placeholders in the text of some of the step-specific parameters. These
    # placeholders will match the names of the parameters at the top and will be replaced with a value before executing
    # the step (e.g. [diskfillsize]).
    VirtualClient.exe --profile=PERF-IO-DISKSPD.json --timeout=1440 --parameters:DiskFillSize=30G,,,FileSize=30G
  • Actions
    This section contains the workload execution workflow. Each of the steps in the 'Actions' section will be executed in sequential order. This section allows a given workload (or more than 1) to be executed on the system in a wide range of ways to cover system performance and reliability requirements thoroughly and with depth. Workloads and tests are often part of the actions as they are intended to utilize the system and its resources in a measurable way. The term 'Executor' will be used often with components in the 'Actions' section.

  • Dependencies
    This section contains steps for downloading and installing dependencies and for configuring the system to meet preliminary requirements for running a specific workload. In the example below, there are 2 dependencies that must be accounted for before the workload is executed. All unformatted disks on the system should be initialized and formatted. Additionally the package containing the workload binaries/executables itself should be downloaded to the system from an Azure storage account blob store. Other examples of dependencies that are required include different Linux packages required, libraries/frameworks (e.g. PowerShell 7.0), scripts and configuring the system itself.

    "Description": "DiskSpd I/O Stress Performance Workload",
    "Parameters": {
        "DiskFillSize": "500GB",
        "FileSize": "496G",
        "Tests": null
    "Actions": [
            "Type": "DiskSpdExecutor",
            "Parameters": {
                "Scenario": "DiskFill",
                "PackageName": "diskspd",
                "CommandLine": "-c[diskfillsize] -b256K -si4K -t1 -o64 -w100 -Suw -W15 -D -L",
                "TestName": "disk_fill",
                "FileName": "diskspd-test.dat",
                "DiskFill": true,
                "DiskFillSize": "$.Parameters.DiskFillSize",
                "Tags": "IO,DiskSpd,randwrite",
                "ProcessModel": "SingleProcessPerDisk",
                "DeleteTestFilesOnFinish": false,
                "Tests": "$.Parameters.Tests"
    "Dependencies": [
            "Type": "FormatDisks"
            "Type": "DependencyPackageInstallation",
            "Parameters": {
                "BlobContainer": "packages",
                "BlobName": "",
                "PackageName": "diskspd",
                "Extract": true

Monitoring Profiles

Monitoring profiles define a set of one or more different background system monitors to run during the execution of the application. For example, a common monitoring scenario is the need to capture performance counters from the system. Monitoring profiles are often used in conjunction with workload profiles to capture performance and reliability information while workloads are executing in-parallel. The Virtual Client runs a default monitoring profile (MONITORS-DEFAULT.json) when a specific monitoring profile is not provided. However, a different monitoring profile can be supplied on the command line if desired (extensibility).

Using the example below as a reference, there are a 3 different fundamental sections inside a workload profile:

  • Parameters
    Parameters in monitoring profiles serve the same purpose as they do in workload profiles. See the 'Workload Profiles' section above for details.

    # An example of overriding the profile parameters to capture
    # In the example JSON below, you will also see placeholders in the text of some of the step-specific parameters. These
    # placeholders will match the names of the parameters at the top and will be replaced with a value before executing
    # the step (e.g. [diskfillsize]).
    VirtualClient.exe --profile=MONITORS-DEFAULT.json --timeout=1440 --parameters:CounterMonitorFrequency=00:05:00,,,CounterMonitorWarmupPeriod=00:00:30
  • Monitors
    This section contains one or more background monitors to run on the system. These are often intended to be ran in the background while the workloads defined in a workload profile are running. Each of the steps in the 'Monitors' section will be executed on a background thread to run concurrently and independently of each other. The monitors will typically run independently from workloads that are running on the system as well.

  • Dependencies
    Dependencies in monitoring profiles serve the same purpose as they do in workload profiles. See the 'Workload Profiles' section above for details.

    "Description": "Default Monitors",
    "Parameters": {
        "CounterMonitorFrequency": "00:10:00",
        "CounterMonitorWarmupPeriod": "00:05:00"
    "Dependencies": [
          "Type": "AptPackageInstallation",
          "Parameters": {
            "Packages": "atop",
            "AllowUpgrades": true
    "Monitors": [
            "Type": "PerfCounterMonitor",
            "Parameters": {
                "Scenario": "PerformanceCounterMonitoring",
                "MonitorFrequency": "$.Parameters.CounterMonitorFrequency",
                "MonitorWarmupPeriod": "$.Parameters.CounterMonitorWarmupPeriod"

Workload Dependency Packages

The section above talked a bit about defining dependencies in Virtual Client workload and monitoring profiles. The Virtual Client platform has a model defined for how dependencies should be packaged. Virtual Client workload and dependency packages follow the strict schema for the folder structure of the packages that allows for putting binaries, scripts and other files in the package separated by their target runtime OS and architecture platforms (e.g. win-x64, win-arm64, linux-x64, linux-arm64). Workload and dependency packages are typically stored in an Azure storage account blob store. However, Virtual Client also supports the ability to include the packages alongside the runtime platform and they will be incorporated at runtime without need of download.

In addition to workload and dependency packages stored in a Storage Account location, there are some packages that are packaged directly with the Virtual Client application itself. The are called "built-in packages". There is no specific rhyme or reason to what is determined to qualify as a built-in package; however, they are as a general rule dependencies that are needed by more than 1 workload and often operating-system specific libraries/toolsets/binaries. Technically, any of the workload packages and dependencies could be bundled with the Virtual Client itself removing the requirement at runtime of downloading any packages. This is not done by default because it would cause the size of the Virtual Client package to be very large. This is an issue for deployment simplicity and reliability in cloud environments. With that said, the Virtual Client Official build pipeline can support producing different packages/bundles for the Virtual Client that contain more workloads built-in.

Multi-Instance API Support

Certain workload scenarios require multiple systems to operate (e.g. client/server networking workloads and high-performance compute workloads). These workloads have a requirement to communicate with each other to be able to synchronize client-side executions with server-side expectations. The Virtual Client has a self-hosted REST API that is used for this purpose. This REST API enables simple HTTP communications between 2 or more different instances of the Virtual Client. The REST API provides the following support:

  • Client/Server Support

  • State Management
    The API enables both the client and the server instances of the application to preserve state on the local system. Additionally, state objects/requests can be passed from the client to the server (or vice-versa) to be saved on the remote endpoint system. State is used primarily by workload executors to synchronize handshakes and requirements between the client and the server. For example, the server workload must be confirmed online and running in the NTttcp network throughput workload before the client can start. The client will perform a set of synchronization steps to ensure this is the case.

  • Heartbeats
    The API enables one instance of the Virtual Client to confirm another instance of the Virtual Client running on a different system is up and running. This is called a heartbeat.

  • Instructions/Eventing
    The API also enables one instance of the Virtual Client to send an event request to another instance of the application. An event is typically a request for the target endpoint instance to take an actions. For example in the NTttcp network throughput workload, the client will request that the server-side workload startup by sending it an event request. It will then poll for a particular server-side state to determine when the server-side workload is definitively up and running.

Telemetry Support

One of the most important features of the Virtual Client platform is that it provides a lot of very useful telemetry. Telemetry emitted by the application follows a consistent schema (based on Application Insights) that is designed to enable strong correlation between data related to the process/system executing the application and data related to workloads and monitors.

Telemetry/data emitted by the Virtual Client application is divided into 4 different categories of data:

  • Traces/Logs/Errors
    The Virtual Client is heavily instrumented with structured logging/tracing logic. This ensures that the inner workings of the application can are easily visible to the user. This is particularly important for debugging scenarios. Errors are a specific type of log/trace that indicate issues that happen during the execution of Virtual Client commands. These represent situations that may be causing the Virtual Client to fail or to work in unexpected ways.

    Workload Metrics
    Workload metrics are measurements and information captured from the output of a particular workload (e.g. DiskSpd, FIO, Coremark) that represent performance data from the system under test. Metrics also include measurements of the system performance and reliability such as performance counters.

    System Events
    System events describe certain types of important information on the system beyond simple performance measurements. This might for example include Windows registry changes or special event logs.

Data Correlation

To enable correlation between data from an execution system and the Virtual Client, metadata is supplied to the Virtual Client on the command line. This is a simple way to "connect-the-dots" when creating reports based on the data. This metadata will be included with every telemetry event/message that is emitted by the Virtual Client. The following shows an example of the schema and how metadata is supplied on the command line as well as what the contents of a single telemetry event emitted would look like.

VirtualClient.exe --profile=PERF-CPU-OPENSSL.json --timeout=1440 --experimentId=2451d02e-b22b-4e8a-9a1f-5436512dbc01 --agentId=virtualmachine01 --metadata:"anyCorrelationId=identifier,,,property2=123,,,property3=true"
    "timestamp": "2021-04-19T16:01:31.9148275Z",
    "message": "OpenSSLExecutor.Execute",
    "severityLevel": "1",
    "itemType": "trace",
    "operation_Id": "6978d01d-b28d-4f81-8a0e-6296592dad07",
    "operation_ParentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "appName": "VirtualClient",
    "appHost": "virtualmachine01",
    "sdkVersion": "",
    "customDimensions": {
        "agentId": "virtualmachine01",
        "experimentId": "2451d02e-b22b-4e8a-9a1f-5436512dbc01",
        "metadata": {
            "anyCorrelationId": "identifier",
            "property2": 123,
            "property3": true

File Upload Support

In addition to having support for structured telemetry, the Virtual Client platform supports the ability to upload files/content to an Azure storage account blob store. This is a need often enough with certain types of background monitors that produce very large results files too large to send through traditional telemetry pipelines. Any component in the Virtual Client can be developed to upload files/content to a target blob store. Then the user of the application simply passes in a connection string or SAS URI to the target "content" store on the command line.

VirtualClient.exe --profile=PERF-CPU-OPENSSL.json --timeout=1440 --contentStore={ConnectionString or SASTokenUri}

Application Development Concepts

The following sections cover some of the important application development concepts for contributing to the Virtual Client platform. Given the above concepts covered, the next sections dive a bit more into the depths of the application (coding concepts).

Implementation Concepts

The following concepts and terminology is used to describe the various coded components that exist in Virtual Client codebase.

  • Workload Executors
    A workload executor is a class/implementation that is responsible for managing initialization requirements and the execution of a given workload. Workloads can be vastly different than each other with regards to execution requirements (e.g. which OS they can operate on, command line parameters, length of run etc...). The workload executor foundation in Virtual Client ensures that these details are all encapsulated into one or more executors specific to that workload. Furthermore, workload executors can be implemented to support parameterization for a wide range of different ways to run a given workload. Workload profiles in the Virtual Client platform will have one or more workload executors defined in the 'Actions' section.

  • Background Monitors
    A background monitor is a class/implementation that is responsible for gathering information from the system on a background thread during the lifetime of the Virtual Client application runtime (e.g. performance counters). Monitors are implemented to start a long-running background task but will return immediately so as to avoid blocking the main thread.

  • Dependency Installers/Handlers
    A dependency handler is a class/implementation that is responsible for downloading, installing and setting up dependencies on the system as preliminary requirements before any workloads or monitors are executed. If any one of the dependencies fail to perform their task, the Virtual Client application will exit returning a code that will indicate what actually failed.

  • Components
    All of the above noted types of classes/implementations in the Virtual Client codebase are collectively called "components". This is a generic term directly related to the base/fundamental class in the Virtual Client, the VirtualClientComponent. All workload executors, background monitors and dependency handlers in the Virtual Client codebase derive from this class.

Telemetry/Logging Concepts

To ensure consistency, a set of common extension methods are used to capture all telemetry from the operations of the application or the execution of workloads and monitors.