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CanvasDrawingSessionDrawLine Method
Overload List
Public methodDrawLine(Vector2, Vector2, ICanvasBrush)
Draws a line of single unit width, using a brush to define the color.
Public methodDrawLine(Vector2, Vector2, Color)
Draws a line of single unit width and the specified color.
Public methodDrawLine(Vector2, Vector2, ICanvasBrush, Single)
Draws a line of the specified width, using a brush to define the color.
Public methodDrawLine(Vector2, Vector2, Color, Single)
Draws a line of the specified width and color.
Public methodDrawLine(Single, Single, Single, Single, ICanvasBrush)
Draws a line of single unit width, using a brush to define the color.
Public methodDrawLine(Single, Single, Single, Single, Color)
Draws a line of single unit width and the specified color.
Public methodDrawLine(Vector2, Vector2, ICanvasBrush, Single, CanvasStrokeStyle)
Draws a line of the specified width, using a brush to define the color and with a custom stroke style.
Public methodDrawLine(Vector2, Vector2, Color, Single, CanvasStrokeStyle)
Draws a line of the specified width and color, with a custom stroke style.
Public methodDrawLine(Single, Single, Single, Single, ICanvasBrush, Single)
Draws a line of the specified width, using a brush to define the color.
Public methodDrawLine(Single, Single, Single, Single, Color, Single)
Draws a line of the specified width and color.
Public methodDrawLine(Single, Single, Single, Single, ICanvasBrush, Single, CanvasStrokeStyle)
Draws a line of the specified width, using a brush to define the color and with a custom stroke style.
Public methodDrawLine(Single, Single, Single, Single, Color, Single, CanvasStrokeStyle)
Draws a line of the specified width and color, with a custom stroke style.
See Also