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CanvasLineSpacingMode Enumeration
Options for specifying how lines are spaced apart.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.Text
Assembly:  Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas (in Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.dll) Version:
public enum CanvasLineSpacingMode
  Member nameValueDescription
Default0 Automatically positioned, if LineSpacing is negative; otherwise, LineSpacing and LineSpacingBaseline are treated as a quantities in DIPs.
Uniform1 Spacing is affected by the absolute value of LineSpacing, and vertical offset of the text is determined by LineSpacingBaseline. LineSpacing and LineSpacingBaseline are treated as a quantities in DIPs.
Proportional2 Spacing is affected by the absolute value of LineSpacing, and vertical offset of the text is determined by LineSpacingBaseline. LineSpacing and LineSpacingBaseline are treated as a ratio of the default.
See Also