Adding a Java Class

If you have not already, open the Project Malmö project in your IDE. I use IntelliJ, and so will be presenting the steps for it, but the steps in Eclipse should be about the same.

Now, we are going to add a new Java class. In IntelliJ, look for the folder MissionHandlers. Then, right-click on the folder, select New and then Java Class. When a pop-up window opens, type the name as RewardForStructureCopyingImplementation. The name must be exactly this since the function createHandlerFromParams in the class MissionBehavior looks for a class named RewardForStructureCopying (the Schema name) followed by Implementation. Try to verify this by opening the MissionBehavior class. To do so, you can use one of the many nifty tools IntelliJ and IDEs in general provide: Search. In IntelliJ, you can click the shift button twice to bring up Search.

Subclassing and Interfaces

Open the RewardForStructureConstruction class again. At this point, have a look at the code for some of the other Reward Handlers under MissionHandlers. There are a few things that are worth noting. Firstly, all of them extend or in other words subclassHandlerBase (meaning some fields or functions are inherited from the superclass HandlerBase while others must be implemented or "overriden" so as to change the functionality of some methods). Also, all of the Reward Handlers implement IRewardProducer, an interface. This means that all the Reward Handlers follow some protocol and can be treated in the same manner given that they implement the methods necessary according to the Interface.

With the above said, change the RewardForStructureCopying class so that you make the two changes. This means that you will now have something like this:

public class RewardForStructureCopyingImplementation extends HandlerBase implements IRewardProducer{


Generate Superclass and Interface functions

You might now notice that the IDE complains about some errors. These errors are due to the fact that we have not yet implemented some functions we have guaranteed to based on our class definition (in particular the extends and implements bit).

We will now add some functions from the classes we have inherited or the interfaces we have said we will implement. In IntelliJ, right-click anywhere inside the brackets enclosing the class definitions and fields. Now, choose Generate... followed by Override Methods.... Alternatively, place your cursor between the brackets and hit Ctrl + o. Now, choose parseParameters(params:Object):boolean under Next, hold the Ctrl key and without leaving the key select getReward(missionInit:MissionInit):float, prepare(missionInit:MissionInit):void and cleanup():void, all of which are under You may leave the Ctrl key and now using the using the mouse, if they are not already checked, click on Copy JavaDoc and Insert @Override.

Note: the Ctrl key may not work if you are on a Mac for example. In this case, just choose the above methods one by one by repeating the steps.

You should now have something like this:

public class RewardForStructureConstructionImplementation extends HandlerBase implements IRewardProducer {
     * Attempt to parse the given object as a set of parameters for this handler.
     * @param params the parameter block to parse
     * @return true if the object made sense for this handler; false otherwise.
    public boolean parseParameters(Object params) {
        return super.parseParameters(params);

     * Get the reward value for the current Minecraft state.
     * @param missionInit the MissionInit object for the currently running mission, 
     *        which may contain parameters for the reward requirements.
     * @return a float determining the current reward signal for the learning agent
    public float getReward(MissionInit missionInit) {
        return 0;

     * Called once before the mission starts - use for any necessary initialisation.
     * @param missionInit
    public void prepare(MissionInit missionInit) {


     * Called once after the mission ends - use for any necessary cleanup.
    public void cleanup() {
