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Accera v1.2 Reference

accera.Plan.cache(source[, index, trigger_index, layout, level, trigger_level, max_elements, element_type, strategy, thrifty, location, double_buffer, double_buffer_location, vectorize])

Adds a caching strategy to a plan.


argument description type
source The array or cache from which this cache is copied. Array or Cache.
index The index used to determine the cache level. Specify one and only one of index, level, max_elements. Index.
trigger_index The index used to determine what level to fill the cache at. trigger_index can't come after index in the schedule order and will default to index if not specified. Specify at most one of trigger_index or trigger_level. Index.
layout The affine memory map, if different from the source. accera.Layout.
level The key-slice level to cache (the number of wildcard dimensions in a key-slice). Specify one and only one of index, level, max_elements. positive integer.
trigger_level The key-slice level to fill the cache at. trigger_level can't be smaller than level, and will default to level if not specified. Specify at most one of trigger_index or trigger_level. positive integer
max_elements The maximum elements to include in the cached region. Specify one and only one of index, level, max_elements. positive integer
element_type The element type to use in the cache. Defaults to the element type of the cached array ScalarType
strategy The thread to data mapping pattern to use when collaboratively caching by multiple threads. Defaults to AUTO which will resolve to the strategy best suited for the current target environment. CacheStrategy
thrifty Use thrifty caching (copy data into a cache only if the cached data differs from the original active block). bool
location The type of memory used to store the cache. MemorySpace
double_buffer Whether to make this cache a double-buffering cache. Only valid on INPUT and CONST arrays. bool
double_buffer_location Which memory space to put the double buffer temp array in. Requires that double_buffer is set to True. Defaults to AUTO. MemorySpace or AUTO
vectorize Whether to vectorize the cache operations. Defaults to AUTO, which will behave like vectorize=True if the loop-nest has any vectorized loop via plan.vectorize(index) or vectorize=False if the loop-nest has no vectorized loops. bool

AUTO will configure the double buffering location based on the following: location | double_buffer | double_buffer_location = AUTO --- | --- | --- MemorySpace.SHARED | True | MemorySpace.PRIVATE !MemorySpace.SHARED | True | Same value as location


A Cache handle that represents the created cache.


Create a cache of array A at level 2.

AA = plan.cache(A, level=2)

Create a cache of array A with the Array.Layout.FIRST_MAJOR layout:

AA = plan.cache(A, level=2, layout=acc.Array.Layout.FIRST_MAJOR)

Create a cache of array A for dimension j:

AA = plan.cache(A, index=j)

Create a cache of array A for the largest active block that does not exceed 1024 elements:

AA = plan.cache(A, max_elements=1024)

Create a level 2 cache of array A from its level 4 cache:

AA = plan.cache(A, level=4)
AAA = plan.cache(AA, level=2)

Not yet implemented: Create a cache of array A at index i in GPU shared memory:

v100 = Target(Target.Model.NVIDIA_V100)
AA = plan.cache(A, i, location=v100.MemorySpace.SHARED)

Last update: 2023-04-17