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Accera v1.2 Reference

accera.Plan.kernelize(unroll_indices[, vectorize_indices])

A convenience method for a sequence of unroll instructions followed by a possible sequence of vectorize instructions.


argument description type/default
unroll_indices The iteration-space dimensions to unroll tuple of accera.Index.
vectorize_indices The optional iteration-space dimensions to vectorize accera.Index or tuple of accera.Index.


Unroll i and k, and then vectorize j:

schedule.reorder(i, k, j)
plan = schedule.create_plan()
plan.kernelize(unroll_indices=(i, k), vectorize_indices=j)

Another example is to Unroll i and then vectorize j and k:

schedule.reorder(i, j, k)
plan = schedule.create_plan()
plan.kernelize(unroll_indices=(i,), vectorize_indices=(j, k))

Last update: 2023-04-17