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Tensor MatMul on GPU: Scheduling Policy experiments

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use different scheduling policies to control GPU register usage while using tensor cores for matrix multiplication.



Some MMA shapes perform matrix multiplication over multiple invocations of the same MMA instruction with different arguments. Conventionally, MMA shape of MmxNnxKk_Bb performs matmul of A {m x k} and B {k x n} to produce the result of size {m x n} containing b chunks or blocks. For example, M64xN64xK1_B4 produces result matrix of size 64x64 in 4 blocks of size 16x64 each where the first 16 rows of the result form block 1, the next 16 rows form block 2 and so on.

For MMA shapes where b is greater than 1, Accera allocates registers for output data based on the scheduling_policy parameter passed to the plan.tensorize call (conversely, when b is 1, this parameter will not affect the emitted GPU code). Currently, Accera supports 2 different values of scheduling_policy, as mentioned in, which expose different register usage vs. memory I/O tradeoffs as explained in detail below.

Block order

In this mode blocks are computed sequentially, which means allocation for registers required for accumulator/output data is done for a single block. This mode can be enable by setting the scheduling_policy parameter as shown below:

plan.tensorize(indices=tensor_indices, mma_shape=acc.MMAShape.M64xN64xK1_B4, scheduling_policy=acc.MMASchedulingPolicy.BLOCK_ORDER)

The generated source code looks something like this (note the accumulator fragment mmaMatrix_24 being reused for each block currently being computed):

extern "C" __global__  __launch_bounds__(64) void tensor_block_order_matmul_gpu_a0f5a6cd5453d086__gpu__(float *arg0, float *arg1, float *arg2) {
    // Calculate threadid offsets and other locals

    // Main K-loop
    for (int32_t idx20 = 0; idx20 < 512; idx20 += 1) {
        // Declare matrix fragments for A, B and C

        // Load matrix A data
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<2048>(var0, mmaMatrix_22, arg0 + ...);

        // Load matrix B data
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<1024>(var0, mmaMatrix_23, arg1 + ...);

        // Matrix multiplication yieling block 0
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, mmaMatrix_24, arg2 + ...);
        rocwmma::mma_sync<2, 0, 0>(mmaMatrix_24, mmaMatrix_22, mmaMatrix_23, mmaMatrix_24);
        rocwmma::store_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, arg2 + ..., mmaMatrix_24);

        // Matrix multiplication yieling block 1
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, mmaMatrix_24, arg2 + ...);
        rocwmma::mma_sync<2, 1, 0>(mmaMatrix_24, mmaMatrix_22, mmaMatrix_23, mmaMatrix_24);
        rocwmma::store_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, arg2 + ..., mmaMatrix_24);

        // Matrix multiplication yieling block 2
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, mmaMatrix_24, arg2 + ...);
        rocwmma::mma_sync<2, 2, 0>(mmaMatrix_24, mmaMatrix_22, mmaMatrix_23, mmaMatrix_24);
        rocwmma::store_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, arg2 + ..., mmaMatrix_24);

        // Matrix multiplication yieling block 3
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, mmaMatrix_24, arg2 + ...);
        rocwmma::mma_sync<2, 3, 0>(mmaMatrix_24, mmaMatrix_22, mmaMatrix_23, mmaMatrix_24);
        rocwmma::store_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, arg2 + ..., mmaMatrix_24);

Pass order

This operation is applied on each element of the tensor fragment data after matrix multiplication is done. Similar to prologue_op, we can also set the epilogue_op argument to achieve this. Here is an example of how alpha scaling of matmul result can be done with the following code:

plan.tensorize(indices=tensor_indices, mma_shape=acc.MMAShape.M64xN64xK1_B4, scheduling_policy=acc.MMASchedulingPolicy.PASS_ORDER)

The generated source code shows how accumulator data for all the 4 blocks is loaded before the compute phase.:

extern "C" __global__  __launch_bounds__(64) void tensor_pass_order_matmul_gpu_0d6383ac17fdfc9c__gpu__(float *arg0, float *arg1, float *arg2) {
    // Calculate threadid offsets and other locals

    // Main K-loop
    for (int32_t idx20 = 0; idx20 < 512; idx20 += 1) {
        // Declare matrix fragments for A, B and C

        // Load matric C data for block 0
        rocwmma::fragment<rocwmma::accumulator, 64, 64, 4, 4, 1, float> mmaMatrix_24;
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, mmaMatrix_24, arg2 + ...);

        // Load matric C data for block 1
        rocwmma::fragment<rocwmma::accumulator, 64, 64, 4, 4, 1, float> mmaMatrix_25;
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, mmaMatrix_25, arg2 + ...);

        // Load matric C data for block 2
        rocwmma::fragment<rocwmma::accumulator, 64, 64, 4, 4, 1, float> mmaMatrix_26;
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, mmaMatrix_26, arg2 + ...);

        // Load matric C data for block 3
        rocwmma::fragment<rocwmma::accumulator, 64, 64, 4, 4, 1, float> mmaMatrix_27;
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, mmaMatrix_27, arg2 + ...);

        // Load matric A data
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<2048>(var0, mmaMatrix_22, arg0 + ...);

        // Load matric B data
        rocwmma::load_matrix_sync<1024>(var0, mmaMatrix_23, arg1 + ...);

        // Compute matrix multiplication for blocks [0, 4)
        rocwmma::mma_sync<2, 0, 0>(mmaMatrix_24, mmaMatrix_22, mmaMatrix_23, mmaMatrix_24);
        rocwmma::mma_sync<2, 1, 0>(mmaMatrix_25, mmaMatrix_22, mmaMatrix_23, mmaMatrix_25);
        rocwmma::mma_sync<2, 2, 0>(mmaMatrix_26, mmaMatrix_22, mmaMatrix_23, mmaMatrix_26);
        rocwmma::mma_sync<2, 3, 0>(mmaMatrix_27, mmaMatrix_22, mmaMatrix_23, mmaMatrix_27);

        // Store C data for blocks [0, 4)
        rocwmma::store_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, arg2 + ..., mmaMatrix_24);
        rocwmma::store_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, arg2 + ..., mmaMatrix_25);
        rocwmma::store_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, arg2 + ..., mmaMatrix_26);
        rocwmma::store_matrix_sync<0, rocwmma::layout_t::mem_row_major, 1024>(var0, arg2 + ..., mmaMatrix_27);

Benchmarking using hatlib

The complete python script with both scheduling policies can be found here. Benchmarking this .hat package on a AMD MI100 system outputs the following, which shows how using pass-order scheduling can yield slightly better performance:

                                    function_name        mean  median_of_means  mean_of_small_means  robust_mean  min_of_means
0  tensor_block_order_matmul_gpu_a0f5a6cd5453d086 29.03946851      29.04570557          29.02557666  29.04261027   29.00701904
1   tensor_pass_order_matmul_gpu_0d6383ac17fdfc9c 26.11595337      26.12025391          26.09279639  26.11305623   26.07321045

Exercises for the reader

  1. Try to tensorize a schedule with multiple tensor passes and see how different scheduling policies affect performance.
  2. Now, try to fuse some of these passes and see if that changes anything.

Last update: 2023-04-17