Azure Kinect Sensor SDK  refs/heads/develop
Documentation for

◆ k4a_record_add_tag()

k4a_result_t k4a_record_add_tag ( k4a_record_t  recording_handle,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Adds a tag to the recording.

recording_handleThe handle of a new recording, obtained by k4a_record_create().
nameThe name of the tag to write.
valueThe string value to store in the tag.
K4A_RESULT_SUCCEEDED is returned on success.
Tags are global to a file, and should store data related to the entire recording, such as camera configuration or recording location.
Tag names must be ALL CAPS and may only contain A-Z, 0-9, '-' and '_'.
All tags need to be added before the recording header is written.