Azure Kinect Sensor SDK  refs/heads/develop
Documentation for

◆ k4a_record_write_custom_track_data()

k4a_result_t k4a_record_write_custom_track_data ( const k4a_record_t  recording_handle,
const char *  track_name,
uint64_t  device_timestamp_usec,
uint8_t *  custom_data,
size_t  custom_data_size 

Writes data for a custom track to file.

recording_handleThe handle of a new recording, obtained by k4a_record_create().
track_nameThe name of the custom track that the data is going to be written to.
device_timestamp_usecThe timestamp in microseconds for the custom track data. This timestamp should be in the same time domain as the device timestamp used for recording.
custom_dataThe buffer of custom track data.
custom_data_sizeThe size of the custom track data buffer.
K4A_RESULT_SUCCEEDED is returned on success
Custom track data must be written in increasing order of timestamp, and the file's header must already be written. When writing custom track data at the same time as captures or IMU data, the custom data should be within 1 second of the most recently written timestamp.