Installation and setup

Using AzureClusterlessHPC requires at the minimum one Azure Batch and one Azure Blob Storage account. Before being able to run the example, follow the instructions from this section to install the package and dependencies, and set up the necessary Azure resources.


  • Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 or Debian 10

  • Julia v1.5 or later

  • Python3 and pip3

Important: Your local Julia version needs to match the Julia version that is installed on the batch workers. The examples in this repository are set up for Julia 1.6.1.

Install Julia package

Run the following command from an interactive Julia session to install the developer version of AzureClusterlessHPC.jl (press the ] key and then type the command)

] dev AzureClusterlessHPC.jl

Install Python dependencies (only for custom Julia Python)

If your Julia PyCall package uses the default Python version, all Python dependencies will be installed automatically. No actions are required.

If you are using a custom Python version for PyCall, the Python dependencies need to be install manually into the Python environment that PyCall is using. E.g.:

# Go to AzureClusterlessHPC directory
cd ~/.julia/dev/AzureClusterlessHPC
pip3 install -r pyrequirements.txt

Create Azure Storage and Batch account with AAD authentication

Using AzureClusterlessHPC.jl requires an Azure Storage and Azure Batch account with AAD authentication. First, install the Azure Command Line Interface (CLI) by running (see here for additional instructions):

curl -sL | sudo bash

Next, log into your Azure account:

az login

Once you have sucessfully logged in, follow the next steps to create all required accounts and to create a credential file:

# Move to AzureClusterlessHPC directory
cd ~/.julia/dev/AzureClusterlessHPC

# Install JSON parsing
sudo apt-get update -y & sudo apt-get install -y jq

# Create batch and storage accounts with given base name and region
./ myname southcentralus

The shell script writes the credentials to /path/to/AzureClusterlessHPC/credentials.json. Make sure to never check this credential file into git and keep it private!

Test setup

Start a Julia session and set the CREDENTIALS environment variable so that it points to your credential file:

# Set path to credential file
using Pkg
ENV["CREDENTIALS"] = Pkg.dir("AzureClusterlessHPC", "credentials.json")

# Load package
using AzureClusterlessHPC

If you were able to load the package without any warnings or erros, you're good to go. Proceed to the Quickstart section in the documentation or browse through the example notebooks.