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Azure TRE Resource Breakdown

The Azure services deployed within an Azure TRE are described below.

Once an Azure TRE has been provisioned in an Azure Subscription, you will have two Resource Groups:

  1. Azure TRE Management Resource Group - Pre-requisiste for deploying an Azure TRE instance
  2. Azure TRE Resource Group - Core Azure TRE instance

Azure TRE Management Resource Group

Azure TRE Deployment Example

Name Azure Service Description Additional links
{MGMT_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME} Storage Account Azure TRE Terraform and Porter state Storage Blobs
{ACR_NAME} Container Registry Azure TRE container images (Porter bundles) Container Registry

Azure TRE Resource Group

Azure TRE Deployment Example

Name Azure Service Description Additional links
api-{TRE_ID} App Service Azure TRE Python api responsible for all operations on Workspaces and managing Workspace Templates built using the FastAPI framework FastAPI
gitea-{TRE_ID} App Service Azure TRE Source Mirror - allows mirroring git repositories Gitea
nexus-{TRE_ID} App Service Azure TRE Package Mirror - allows mirroring packages Sonatype Nexus
plan-{TRE_ID} App Service Plan Compute resources in which the TRE app services run App Hosting plans
agw-{TRE_ID} Azure Application Gateway Azure TRE App Gateway provides single public IP address with SSL for accessing core TRE resources Azure Application Gateway
appi-{TRE_ID} Application Insights Telemetry for all API invocations Application Insights
cosmos-{TRE_ID} Azure Cosmos DB Account NoSQL state store of TRE resources, templates and operations Cosmos DB
mysql-{TRE_ID} Azure Database for MySQL server SQL state store for Gitea Gitea Database
ampls-{TRE_ID} Azure Monitor Private Link Scope Provides secure link between PaaS resources and the TRE vnet using private endpoints Azure Monitor Private Link Scope
bas-{TRE_ID} Azure Bastion Provides secure access for RDP/SSH to TRE VM (jumpbox) Azure Bastion
vm-dsk-{TRE_ID} Disk Managed storage disk for TRE VM (jumpbox) Managed Disks
fw-dsk-{TRE_ID} Azure Firewall Azure TRE Firewall restricts external outbound traffic from all TRE resources Azure Firewall
kv-{TRE_ID} Azure Key Vault Management of TRE secrets & certificates Azure Key Vault
log-{TRE_ID} Log Analytics Workspace Azure Monitor Logs store for all TRE resources Log Analytics
id-agw-{TRE_ID} Managed Identity User-managed identity for TRE Application Gateway Managed Identities
id-api-{TRE_ID} Managed Identity User-managed identity for TRE API App Service Managed Identities
id-gitea-{TRE_ID} Managed Identity User-managed identity for TRE Gitea App Service Managed Identities
id-vmss-{TRE_ID} Managed Identity User-managed identity for TRE Resource Processer (VMSS) Managed Identities
sb-{TRE_ID} Service Bus Namespace Messaging for TRE API Service Bus
stappinsights{TRE_ID} Storage Account Storage for TRE Application Insights telemetry logs Storage Blobs
stg{TRE_ID} Storage Account Files shares for TRE services such as Porter, Gitea, Nexus Storage Files
stweb{TRE_ID} Storage Account Storage for Azure TRE Let's Encrypt Storage Blob
vm-{TRE_ID} Virtual Machine Azure TRE VM (jumpbox) Windows Virtual Machine
vm-{TRE_ID} Virtual Machine Scale Set Azure TRE Resource Processor Virtual Machine Scale Sets
vnet-{TRE_ID} Virtual Network Azure TRE VNET central hub Virtual Networks
rt-{TRE_ID} Route Table Azure TRE route table Route Tables


Network resources such as Network Interfaces, Network Security Groups, Private Endpoints, Private DNS zones and Public IP addresses are not listed above.

Azure TRE Workspace Resource Group

A TRE Workspace will be provisioned in a separate Resource Group along with its own resources. An example TRE Workspace is shown and described here.

Azure TRE Workspace Example

Name Azure Service Description Additional links
guacamole-{TRE_ID}-ws-XXXX-svc-XXXX App Service RDP for accessing workspace VMs Apache Guacamole
kv-{TRE_ID}-ws-XXXX Azure Key Vault Management of TRE workspace secrets & certificates Azure Key Vault
osdisk-windowsvm8f45 Disk Azure VM storage disk Managed Disks
plan-09d0ba4f-f79f-4047-aa2c-03fc9df7b318 App Service plan Compute resources in which the workspace app services (Gitea) run App Hosting Plans
stgwsb318 Storage account Workspace Storage account Storage Blobs
vnet-{TRE_ID}-ws-XXXX Virtual Network Azure TRE VNET spoke Virtual Networks
windowsvm8f45 Virtual Machine Windows VM instance for research Windows Virtual Machine


Network resources such as Network Interfaces, Network Security Groups and Private Endpoints are not listed above.