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The API Identity


The API Identity is typically called <TRE_ID> API within the AAD Portal.


This identity's credentials are stored in the core Key Vault and mandatory for the running of the Trusted Research Environment (TRE). It is required for the API Application, hosted in Azure App Service, to authenticate to Azure Active Directory and authorize the various operations.

Application Roles

Display name Description Allowed member types Value
TRE Administrators Provides resource administrator access to the TRE. Users/Groups,Applications TREAdmin
TRE Users Provides access to the TRE application. Users/Groups,Applications TREUser

Microsoft Graph Permissions

Name Type* Admin consent required TRE usage
Directory.Read.All Application Yes Allows the app to read directory objects (roles/permissions) in your organization's directory, such as roles and permissions, without a signed-in user.
User.Read.All Application Yes Allows the app to read user profiles without a signed in user to check that the user has permissions to execute an action e.g., to view workspaces. See /api_app/services/
email Delegated No Used to read the user's email address when creating TRE resources
openid Delegated No Allows users to sign in to the app with their work or school accounts and allows the app to see basic user profile information.
profile Delegated No Used to read the user's profile when creating TRE resources

'*' See the difference between delegated and application permission types. See Microsoft Graph permissions reference for more details.


This identity should only be used by the API Application.

How to create

Example on how to run the script:

./devops/scripts/aad/ \
    --name <TRE_ID> \
    --tre-url "https://<TRE_ID>.<LOCATION>" \
    --admin-consent \
    --automation-clientid <TEST_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID>
Below is a sample where TRE_ID has value mytre:

./devops/scripts/aad/ --name mytre --admin-consent \
--tre-url "" --automation-clientid 176c2f5d-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-68a5c30f354d
Argument Description
--name The prefix of the name of the app registrations. TRE will give you TRE API.
--tre-url Used to construct auth redirection URLs for the UI and Swagger app. Use the values of the environment variables TRE_ID and LOCATION in the URL. Reply URL for the localhost, http://localhost:8000/api/docs/oauth2-redirect, will be added by default.
--admin-consent Grants admin consent for the app registrations. This is required for them to function properly, but requires AAD admin privileges.
--automation-clientid This is an optional parameter but will grant TREAdmin permission to the Service Principal of the Automation Admin.
--reset-password Optional, default is 0. When run in a headless fashion, 1 is passed in to always reset the password.


The script will create an app password (client secret) for the TRE API app and the Automation App and write them to /devops/auth.env file. These values are only shown once, if you lose them, the script will create new secrets if run again.

You can create an automation account which will aid your development flow, if you don't want to do this you can omit the --automation-clientid switch.

You can run the script without the --admin-consent and ask your admin to grant consent. If you don't have permissions and just want to create a development environment then skip this step and see the steps in the "Using a separate Azure Active Directory tenant) below.

Environment Variables

Variable Description Location
API_CLIENT_ID The Client Id ./devops/auth.env
API_CLIENT_SECRET The client secret ./devops/auth.env


The TRE API app registration requires no redirect URLs defined. From a security standpoint, public client flows should not be allowed. As the identity of the client application cannot be verified (see the image below taken from app registration authentication blade in Azure Portal).

Allow public client flows - No