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TRE Client UX


The Client Identity is typically called <TRE_ID> UX within the AAD Portal.


This identity is used by any public facing client application so that user impersonation can occur to the Core API and any Workspace Applications.

Application Roles

This application does not have any roles defined.


Name Type* Admin consent required TRE usage
offline_access Delegated No Allows the app to see and update the data you gave it access to, even when users are not currently using the app.
openid Delegated No Allows users to sign in to the app with their work or school accounts and allows the app to see basic user profile information.
TRE API/user_impersonation Delegated No Flow the authenticated user to the TRE API when needed.
Workspace API/user_impersonation Delegated No Flow the authenticated user to the Workspace API when needed.

'*' See the difference between delegated and application permission types. See Microsoft Graph permissions reference for more details.


This identity should only be used by client applications. Currently this is the React UI and the Swagger UI.

How to create

This identity is created when you create the API. For completeness, you can run the following script Example on how to run the script:

./devops/scripts/aad/ \
    --name <TRE_ID> \
    --tre-url "https://<TRE_ID>.<LOCATION>" \
    --admin-consent \
    --automation-clientid <TEST_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID>
Argument Description
--name The prefix of the name of the app registrations. TRE will give you TRE API.
--tre-url Used to construct auth redirection URLs for the UI and Swagger app. Use the values of the environment variables TRE_ID and LOCATION in the URL. Reply URL for the localhost, http://localhost:8000/api/docs/oauth2-redirect, will be added by default.
--admin-consent Grants admin consent for the app registrations. This is required for them to function properly, but requires AAD admin privileges.
--automation-clientid This is an optional parameter but will create an application with test users with permission to use the TRE API and TRE Swagger UI
--reset-password Optional, default is 0. This flag has no relevance when creating the UX as there is no password for the AAD Application.

Redirect URLs

The following Redirect URIs will be added to the application * https://<TRE ID>.<Azure location> * http://localhost:8000/docs/oauth2-redirect - For local testing

Environment Variables

Variable Description Location
SWAGGER_UI_CLIENT_ID The Client Id ./devops/auth.env