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TRE Automation Admin Application


The Automation Application is typically called <TRE_ID> Automation Admin within the AAD Portal.


This application is used to authorize end-to-end test scenarios.


  • This app registration is only needed and used for testing

Application Roles

This application does not have any roles defined.


Name Type* Admin consent required TRE usage
TRE API / TREAdmin Application Yes This allows this application to authenticate as a TRE Admin for running the tests locally and the E2E in the build.
TRE API / user_impersonation Delegated No This allows the application to impersonate the logged in user.
TRE - workspace x API / WorkspaceOwner Application Yes This allows this application to authenticate as a Workspace Owner for running the tests locally and the E2E in the build.
TRE - workspace x API / user_impersonation Delegated No This allows the application to impersonate the logged in user.

'*' See the difference between delegated and application permission types. See Microsoft Graph permissions reference for more details.


This application is used locally to automatically register bundles against the API and is the user that runs the E2E locally and in the Build.

Environment Variables

Variable Description Location
TEST_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID The Client Id ./devops/auth.env
TEST_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_SECRET The client secret ./devops/auth.env

How to create

Example on how to run the script:

./devops/scripts/aad/ \
--name "${TRE_ID}"
Argument Description
--name The prefix of the name of the app registrations. TRE123 will give you TRE123 Automation Admin.
--reset-password Optional, default is 0. When run in a headless fashion, 1 is passed in to always reset the password.

Create this application from the portal (optional)

To create an application registration for automation, open the Azure Active Directory tenant for your TRE in the portal and navigate to "App Registrations". Click "New registration" as shown in the image below.

Screenshot of Azure portal showing "New registration" in Azure Active Directory

Enter a name for the application registration and click "Register".

Screenshot of Azure portal showing application registration details

On the app registration "Overview" page, copy the "Application (client) ID" value and save it for later.

Screenshot of Azure portal showing application ID to copy

Under "Manage", click on "Certificates & secrets" and then "New client secret"

Screenshot of Azure portal showing "New client secret"

Add a description and create the client secret. Once done, the secret value will be displayed (as shown below). Copy this value and save it for later as you cannot retrieve it again after closing this page.

Screenshot of Azure portal showing client secret value to copy

Add API Permissions

After creating the automation application registration, it needs to be granted permissions to access the TRE API. Navigate to the API permissions page for the application registration and click "Add a permission"

Screenshot of Azure portal showing "Add a permission"

Next, click on the "My APIs" tab, and then on "TRE API" On the "Delegated permissions" section, select "user_impersonation".

Screenshot of Azure portal showing adding user_impersonation permission

On the "Application permissions" section, select "TRE Administrators".

Screenshot of Azure portal showing adding TRE Admin permission

Back on the main permissions page, click on "Grant admin consent". Once done, you should see "Granted" in the "Status" column, as shown below.

Screenshot of Azure portal showing admin consent granted

Enabling users

For a user to gain access to the system, they have to:

  1. Have an identity in Azure AD
  2. Be linked with an app registration and assigned a role

When these requirements are met, the user can sign-in using their credentials and use their privileges to use the API, login to workspace environment etc. based on their specific roles.

User linked with app registrations

The users can also be linked via the Enterprise application view:

Adding users to Enterprise application