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Pre-deployment steps


See Environment variables for full details of the deployment related variables.

Set environment configuration variables of shared management resources

  1. Open the /devops/.env.sample file and then save it without the .sample extension. You should now have a file called .env located in the /devops folder. The file contains configuration variables for the shared management infrastructure which is used to support the deployment of one or more Azure TRE instances.

  2. Provide the values for the following variables:

    Variable Description
    LOCATION The Azure location (region) for all resources. E.g., westeurope
    MGMT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME The shared resource group for all management resources, including the storage account.
    MGMT_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME The name of the storage account to hold the Terraform state and other deployment artifacts.
    ACR_NAME A globally unique name for the Azure Container Registry (ACR) that will be created to store deployment images.
    ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID The Azure subscription ID for all resources.


    To retrieve your Azure subscription ID, use the az command line interface available in the development container. In the terminal window in Visual Studio Code, type az login followed by az account show to see your default subscription. Please refer to az account -help for further details on how to change your active subscription.

The rest of the variables can have their default values. You should now have a .env file that looks similar to the one below:

# Management infrastructure


# If you want to override the currently signed in credentials

# Debug mode

Set environment configuration variables of the Azure TRE instance

Next, you will set the configuration variables for the specific Azure TRE instance:

  1. Open the /templates/core/.env.sample file and then save it without the .sample extension. You should now have a file called .env located in the /templates/core folder.
  2. Decide on a name for your TRE_ID, which is an alphanumeric (with underscores and hyphens allowed) ID for the Azure TRE instance. The value will be used in various Azure resources, and needs to be globally unique and less than 12 characters in length. Use only lowercase letters. Choose wisely!
  3. Once you have decided on which AD Tenant paradigm, then you should be able to set AAD_TENANT_ID
  4. If you want to disable the built-in web UI (./ui) ensure you set DEPLOY_UI=false in the .env file.
  5. Your AAD Tenant Admin can now use the terminal window in Visual Studio Code to execute the following script from within the development container to create all the AAD Applications that are used for TRE. The details of the script are covered in the auth document.

    make auth


    In case you have several subscriptions and would like to change your default subscription use az account set --subscription <desired subscription ID>


    The full functionality of the script requires directory admin privileges. You may need to contact your friendly Azure Active Directory admin to complete this step. The app registrations can be created manually in Azure Portal too. For more information, see Authentication and authorization.

All other variables can have their default values for now.

Add admin user

Make sure the TRE Administrators and TRE Users roles, defined by the API app registration, are assigned to your user and others as required. See Enabling users for instructions.

Next steps