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Creating Custom templates

This document will show how to create custom templates, integrate them into your CI/CD pipelines.

Templates types

There are 3 types of templates:

  1. Workspace
  2. Workspace Service
  3. User Resource

Read more about them here

How to add custom templates

AzureTRE deployment repository has directories setup for: workspace, workspace service and user resource template definitions.

See template authoring guide to learn more about how to author templates.

To add your custom templates follow the next steps: - Deployment requirements 1. Add your template under relevant folder (For example: if you are adding a new workspace template then place it under /templates/workspaces folder). 1. Use existing templates in AzureTRE as a reference. 1. Add porter configuration - AzureTRE uses Porter as a solution for implementing and deploying workspaces and workspace, learn more about how it is used in AzureTRE here. 1. Add terraform scripts to setup your deployment plan. - Define resource template in the API - follow this readme to register your template. - Use the AzureTRE UI to deploy your resources - Add your custom templates to CI/CD workflows - in Deploy Azure TRE Reusable workflow make sure to add your bundles under register_bundles and publish_bundles steps.

Publish and Register Custom templates in the CI/CD

See the pipelines documentation to learn more about publishing and registering your custom templates as part of the CI/CD/

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