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Gitea Shared Service

As outbound access to public git repositories such as GitHub is often blocked a git mirror may be required. Gitea can be deployed as a shared service to offer this functionality.

Documentation on Gitea can be found here:


To deploy this shared service you should use the UI (or the API) to issue a request. If you don't see the option available for this specifc template make sure it has been built, published and registered by the TRE Admin.

Getting Started

Connect to the Gitea admin console https://yourtreuri/gitea/ with the giteaadmin user. You can find the password in keyvault as gitea password.

Network requirements

Gitea needs to be able to access the following resource outside the Azure TRE VNET via explicitly allowed Service Tags or URLs.

Service Tag / Destination Justification
AzureActiveDirectory Authorize the signed in user against Azure Active Directory.
AzureContainerRegistry Pull the Gitea container image, as it is located in Azure Container Registry.
(www.) Allows Gitea to mirror any repo on GitHub