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Nexus Shared Service

Sonatype Nexus (RepoManager) allows users in workspaces to access external software packages securely.

Documentation on Nexus can be found here:


To deploy this service use the UI or API directly and choose the nexus template.

Nexus will be deployed as part of the main TRE terraform deployment. A configuration script needs to be run once the deployment is done. The script will:

  1. Fetch the Nexus generated password from storage account.
  2. Reset the default password and set a new one.
  3. Store the new password in Key Vault under nexus-<TRE_ID>-admin-password
  4. Create an anonymous default PyPI proxy repository

Setup and usage

  1. A TRE Administrator can access Nexus though the admin jumpbox provisioned as part of the TRE deployment. The username is adminuser and the password is located in the KeyVault under vm-<tre-id>-jumpbox-password
  2. A researcher can access Nexus from within the workspace by using the internal Nexus URL of:
  3. To fetch Python packages from the PyPI proxy, a researcher can use pip install while specifying the proxy server:
    pip install packagename --index-url https://nexus-<TRE_ID>

Network requirements

Nexus Shared Service requires access to resources outside of the Azure TRE VNET. These are set as part of the firewall provisioning pipeline via explicit allow on Service Tags or URLs. Notice that since Nexus Shared Service is running on an App Service, the outgoing exceptions are made for the calls coming out of the Web App Subnet.

Service Tag / Destination Justification
AzureActiveDirectory Authorize the signed in user against Azure Active Directory.
AzureContainerRegistry Pull the Nexus container image, as it is located in Azure Container Registry. Enables Nexus to "proxy" python packages to use inside of workspaces. Enables Nexus to "proxy" conda packages to use inside of workspaces. Enables Nexus to "proxy" additional conda packages to use inside of workspaces such as conda-forge.
* Enables Nexus to "proxy" docker repos to use inside of workspaces.
* Enables Nexus to "proxy" docker repos to use inside of workspaces. Enables Nexus to "proxy" apt packages to use inside of workspaces. Enables Nexus to "proxy" apt packages to use inside of workspaces.

Current Repos

Name Type Source URI Nexus URI Usage
PiPy PiPy [] https://nexus-<TRE_ID> Allow use of pip commands.
Apt PiPy Apt [] https://nexus-<TRE_ID> Install pip via apt on Linux systems.
Conda conda [] https://nexus-<TRE_ID> Configure conda to have access to default conda packages.
Conda-Forge conda [] https://nexus-<TRE_ID> Configure conda to have access to conda-forge packages.
Docker apt [] https://nexus-<TRE_ID> Install Docker via apt on Linux systems.
Docker GPG raw [] https://nexus-<TRE_ID> Provide public key to sign apt source for above Docker apt.
Docker Hub docker [] https://nexus-<TRE_ID> Provide docker access to public images repo.
Ubuntu Packages apt [] https://nexus-<TRE_ID> Provide access to Ubuntu apt packages on Ubuntu systems.
Ubuntu Security Packages apt [] https://nexus-<TRE_ID> Provide access to Ubuntu Security apt packages on Ubuntu systems.