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Troubleshooting cloud-init

Cloud-init is used to configure a number of virtual machines within the Azure TRE project at first boot. This methood is used as we are unable to distribute pre built images with third part dependancies. In a production environment you may choose to create your own VM images to avoid the need for cloud-init scripts to run.

Examples of virtual machines using cloud-init are: - Resource Processor - Sonatype Nexus VM - Apache Guacamole Linux VM

Retrieving the cloud-init logs

Log onto the virtual machine using Bastion or serial console and run the following command to view the cloud-init logs:

sudo cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log

Re-running cloud-init scripts

If you wish to re-run the cloud-init scripts you can run the following commands from the virtual machine terminal session:

sudo cloud-init clean --logs
sudo cloud-init init --local
sudo cloud-init init
sudo cloud-init modules --mode=config
sudo cloud-init modules --mode=final