Certification Specializations (Data&AI)

Solutions partner & Specializations

The program

Badge for Solution Partner (Data&AI) Badge for Solution Partner (Data&AI)

As a Solutions Partner for Data & AI (Azure), you demonstrate your broad capability to help customers manage their data across multiple systems to build analytics and AI solutions. Becoming a Solutions Partner for Data & AI (Azure) gives customers a way to identify you as a partner who has the commitment to training and accreditation, and has delivered solutions that lead to customer success. ref: Partner center

For more information, please look at the following landing pages:


When you, as a partner have attained the Solution partner designation for Data&AI, then you can differentiate yourself by achieving any of the eligible specializations.

Note: this list was added here only as a reference. It is subject to change and only the official documentation applies

For more information, please look at the following landing pages:

Renewal of specialisations

Starting in 2023, a renewal process has been put in place. This means that Partners will have to re-confirm their specialization status as per the process that was described here



We have assembled a list of skilling plans for Data&AI. You can consult and use these for your journey!

More information on how to set you up for success in the tools, see https://aka.ms/Neo-Partner/Skilling