Getting certified within Data&AI

As with anything in this world,being proficient in something means that you have to obtain the skills needed to be able to go as fast as possible. This is not different in Azure and definitely not in the data world. Azure is a platform that is constantly growing and evolving and therefor,it is very important to really understand what you are dealing with. To help you achieve this, there area vast amount of resources available that you can use to learn and achieve those skills.

Studying is one thing, but showing/demonstrating your new skills is also important! To do this, you can achieve certifications by (successfully) completing exams, which confirm that you do master the topic that you studied for.

Because we understand that there is a lot of information out there, we have taken some time to give an overview of the most important certifications and resources that you need to obtain those skills that are so crucial.

Overview of certifications Overview of certifications

The links below give an great overview of the data-related and role based certifications that you can achieve in order to become the best version of your professional self!


When studying for Azure certifications, you are typically provided with an Microsoft learn learning path, which group learning modules that cover all the materials required to pass the exam(s)

Additionally, it’s important to practice as much as possible (where applicable) in order to really understand the materials, how the services behave, what you can/cannot do and how they interact.

In my personal studying, I tend to:

  1. combine the mslearn materials with the official documentation of the different services (in order to get a more in depth understanding)
  2. Read a book dedicated to the certification exam. To give an example, for the DP-203 (data engineer) exam, I read the book “Azure Data Engineer Associate Cert Guide”, which has helped me a lot. Most of the exams, have similar books (if there is a need to read them)

Specifically for partners, Microsoft regularly organizes trainings/sessions to help an individual to prepare for an exam: –> Virtual training days: A partner/individual can subscribe for an azure training day of choice. This site can be compared to a “menu” where one can choose the certification that he/she wants to attain.

So, as you can see, there are a lot of materials that one can use when preparing for the exams (my summary is definitely not limiting), it is only a matter of finding what a person likes most.

So, I hope that this helps you to get started with this journey. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me!

Finally, there is a great overview/poster that you can consult to learn more about the options that exist when starting on the certification journey! Use the Certification Poster to find your next challenge:

Just getting started?

Even if you are just getting started, we have a huge amount of resources available. These are grouped in this landing page