Architecture ============ .. panels:: :fa:`project-diagram` :doc:`consensus/index` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CCF makes use of a consensus protocol to replicate transactions. --- :fa:`key` :doc:`cryptography` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CCF leverages a number of cryptographic techniques and primitives. --- :fa:`map` :doc:`request_flow` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Flow of a single request's execution through CCF. --- :fa:`random` :doc:`threading` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CCF threading model. --- :fa:`snowflake` :doc:`merkle_tree` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Transaction integrity guarantees stem from the use of a Merkle Tree data structure over their history. --- :fa:`book` :doc:`ledger` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Transactions are persisted to a ledger for recovery and audit purposes. --- :fa:`check-double` :doc:`raft_tla` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TLA+ specifications of CCF. --- :fa:`paper-plane` :doc:`node_to_node` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Node to node channel protocol used for consensus and forwarding. --- :fa:`address-book` :doc:`indexing` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Indexing system used to speed up historical queries. --- :fa:`scroll` :doc:`receipts` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Receipts can be used with the ledger for audit purposes. --- :fa:`gears` :doc:`tls_internals` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Internal implementation of TLS communication. --- :fa:`gears` :doc:`tcp_internals` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Internal implementation of the TCP host layer. --- :fa:`gears` :doc:`quic_internals` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Internal implementation of QUIC communication (in progress). --- :fa:`dragon` :doc:`performance/index` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Get started with the CCF performance testing tool. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 consensus/index cryptography request_flow threading merkle_tree ledger raft_tla node_to_node indexing receipts tls_internals tcp_internals quic_internals performance/index.rst