Key-Value Store API =================== This page presents the API that a CCF application must use to access and mutate the replicated key-value store. A CCF application should store its data in one or more :cpp:type:`ccf::kv::Map`. The name, type, and serialisation of these maps is under the application's control. Each invocation of an :cpp:class:`ccf::EndpointRegistry::Endpoint` is given a :cpp:class:`ccf::kv::Tx` transaction object, through which it can read and write to its :cpp:type:`ccf::kv::Map`. Map --- .. doxygentypedef:: ccf::kv::Version :project: CCF .. doxygenvariable:: ccf::kv::NoVersion :project: CCF .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::TypedMap :project: CCF .. doxygentypedef:: ccf::kv::Map :project: CCF .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::TypedValue :project: CCF .. doxygentypedef:: ccf::kv::Value :project: CCF .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::TypedSet :project: CCF .. doxygentypedef:: ccf::kv::Set :project: CCF Transaction ----------- .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::ReadOnlyTx :project: CCF :members: ro .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::Tx :project: CCF :members: rw, wo Handles ------- .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::ReadableMapHandle :project: CCF :members: .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::WriteableMapHandle :project: CCF :members: .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::MapHandle :project: CCF .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::ReadableValueHandle :project: CCF :members: .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::WriteableValueHandle :project: CCF :members: .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::ValueHandle :project: CCF .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::ReadableSetHandle :project: CCF :members: .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::WriteableSetHandle :project: CCF :members: .. doxygenclass:: ccf::kv::SetHandle :project: CCF Serialisation ------------- .. doxygenenum:: ccf::kv::EntryType :project: CCF