Contribute ========== The CCF team welcome contributions to any part of the framework, including this documentation. - Contributions guidelines are outlined on :ccf_repo:`GitHub ` - Submit `bugs `_ and `feature requests `_ .. panels:: :fa:`user-check` :doc:`onboarding` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Getting started as a CCF contributor. --- :fa:`cloud` :doc:`create_vm` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create a SGX-enabled Azure Virtual Machine. --- :fa:`laptop-code` :doc:`build_setup` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Setup CCF environment to build CCF from source. --- :fa:`cogs` :doc:`build_ccf` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Build CCF from source. --- :fa:`rocket` :doc:`release_ccf` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Release CCF or a patch to CCF. --- :fa:`cogs` :doc:`build_images` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CCF build images. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: onboarding create_vm build_setup build_ccf release_ccf build_images