Onboarding ========== This page aims to be a list of resources that should be helpful if you want to start contributing to CCF. Introduction ------------ Start by reading :doc:`/overview/what_is_ccf`. If you encounter any terms or acronyms that you do not know, check the :doc:`/overview/glossary`. If the word you are looking for is not defined, create an `issue `_. Create an SGX VM if necessary ----------------------------- If you intend to make changes that need to work on Intel SGX, you will want an :doc:`SGX VM ` to check you didn't introduce instructions that are illegal in enclave, and to evaluate the performance impact of your change. Build CCF --------- First complete :doc:`/contribute/build_setup`, and see :doc:`/contribute/build_ccf`. Walk through a sample application --------------------------------- :doc:`/build_apps/example_cpp` documents the sample C++ app under ``/samples/apps/logging`` in the repo. The logging application is simple, but exercises most features of the framework, and is extensively used in the end to end tests. To run a locally built copy of this application in a sandbox, see :doc:`/build_apps/run_app`. The package name will be ``samples/apps/logging/liblogging``: .. code-block:: bash ~/CCF/build$ ../tests/sandbox/sandbox.sh -p samples/apps/logging/liblogging Setting up Python environment... Python environment successfully setup [11:44:33.376] Starting 1 CCF node... [11:44:33.376] Virtual mode enabled [11:44:35.025] Started CCF network with the following nodes: [11:44:35.025] Node [0] = [11:44:35.025] You can now issue business transactions to the samples/apps/logging/liblogging application [11:44:35.025] Keys and certificates have been copied to the common folder: /home/$USER/CCF/build/workspace/sandbox_common [11:44:35.025] See https://microsoft.github.io/CCF/main/use_apps/issue_commands.html for more information [11:44:35.025] Press Ctrl+C to shutdown the network Have a look at the Continuous Integration jobs ---------------------------------------------- The main CI job for CCF is defined in :ccf_repo:`a YAML file in the repo ` and runs are accessible `here `__. That job gates pull requests, and is also used with a different trigger (on tags like ``ccf-*``) to produce releases. Three more in-depth jobs are run every day: - The `Daily build `_ (:ccf_repo:`.daily.yml `) is longer version of the CI, and makes use of instrumentation (ASAN, UBSAN...). - The `Threading build `_ (:ccf_repo:`.multi-thread.yml `) tests CCF with multiple worker threads. - The `Stress build `_ (:ccf_repo:`.stress.yml `) runs long-lived tests against CCF networks. Documentation is built and published to GitHub Pages by `this job `_ (:ccf_repo:`YAML `). Review the release and compatibility policy ------------------------------------------- :doc:`/build_apps/release_policy` defines what changes are possible in CCF and what timeline they must follow. Simplified Data Flow Map ------------------------ This chart is a simplified illustration of the data flow in a running CCF service. Where possible, nodes and edges have been made links to the most relevant documentation page or file. Note that this diagram deliberately does not represent host-to-enclave communication. .. mermaid:: flowchart TB Client[HTTPS/1.1 Client auth] -- TLS 1.2 or 1.3 --> TLSSession TLSSession[TLS Session src] -- PlainText --> HTTPSession HTTPSession[HTTP Session src] -- Request --> Endpoint[Application Endpoint doc] Endpoint -- Response --> HTTPSession HTTPSession --> TLSSession TLSSession --> Client Endpoint -- WriteSet --> Store[Store doc] Store -- LedgerEntry --> Ledger[Ledger doc] Ledger -- LedgerEntry --> Disk Store[Key-Value Store] -- Digest --> MerkleTree[Merkle Tree doc] Store -- LedgerEntry --> Consensus[Consensus doc] Consensus -- Messages --> OtherNodes[Other Nodes doc] OtherNodes --> Consensus Consensus -- Sign --> MerkleTree MerkleTree -- Signature --> Store Doxygen ------- Doxygen description of the codebase is available `here <../doxygen/index.html>`_.