Governance ========== This section describes how a consortium of trusted :term:`Members` governs an existing CCF network. It explains how members can submit proposals to CCF and how these proposals are accepted based on the rules defined in the :term:`Constitution`. Before creating a new CCF network, the identity of the initial member(s) of the consortium must be generated. See :ref:`governance/adding_member:Generating Member Keys and Certificates`. .. panels:: :fa:`scroll` :doc:`constitution` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Governance in CCF is implemented as a scriptable constitution. --- :fa:`hand-paper` :doc:`proposals` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Governance changes are submitted to a network as Proposals, and put to a vote from members. --- :fa:`box-open` :doc:`open_network` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Opening a freshly created network to user activity is a proposal. --- :fa:`box-open` :doc:`common_member_operations` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Frequently used member operations. --- :fa:`user-plus` :doc:`adding_member` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Adding a new member to the consortium. --- :fa:`key` :doc:`hsm_keys` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Storing member keys in HSM. --- :fa:`terminal` :doc:`member_rpc_api` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ OpenAPI schema for member RPC API. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 constitution proposals js_runtime open_network accept_recovery common_member_operations adding_member hsm_keys member_rpc_api