Troubleshooting CCF =================== This page contains troubleshooting tips for CCF. Tips for interacting with CCF to diagnose issues ------------------------------------------------ .. note:: In the examples below this documentation uses ```` as an example CCF domain, you will need to replace that with your own CCF domain when using these commands. You will also need to add authentication parameters such as ``--cacert`` to the curl commands, see :doc:`Issuing commands ` for an example. .. note:: CCF may be deployed with a load balancer which may cache the node which last responded to a query from an IP address. Until the cache clears, the load balancer will direct any subsequent queries from that IP address to the same node. As an example, if the cache clears after one minute, then in order to get a response from a different node, an operator must wait one minute between queries. Below are descriptions of CLI commands and how they are useful for diagnosing CCF issues: **“What node is handling my requests?”** .. code-block:: bash curl -i This is useful to identify which node is handling queries. The node ID can be found in the ``location`` header as shown in the example command output below: .. code-block:: bash HTTP/1.1 308 Permanent Redirect content-length: 0 location: https://example-ccf-domain/node/network/nodes/ **“What CCF version is running?”** .. code-block:: bash curl This is useful to confirm the version that is running. **“What nodes are part of the current network?”** .. code-block:: bash curl This will show information for all nodes in the network. In a healthy network all nodes will show ``“status”: “Trusted”``, and one node only will show ``“primary” = true``. This is the healthy state of the network. Around upgrades/restarts/migrations nodes will transition through unhealthy states temporarily. If the network remains in an unhealthly state for a long time, this indicates there is an issue. You can obtain this information for a single node by querying the :http:GET:`/node/network/nodes/{node_id}` endpoint, where ``{node id}`` can be obtained from the :http:GET:`/node/network/nodes/self` endpoint described above. Take note of the ``node_data`` field in the response which contains useful correlation IDs. **“Is the network in the middle of a reconfiguration?”** .. code-block:: bash curl This has a few bits of data that might help us diagnose a partitioned/faulty network. In particular, most of the time there should be a single entry in the ``configs`` list. During an upgrade/restart/migration, there may be multiple values. If multiple values persist for a long time, it suggests something went wrong during the reconfiguration. **“Is the CCF network stable?”** .. code-block:: bash curl This is a good endpoint to query to check if the CCF service is reachable. Additionally, a large and increasing difference between the ``View`` in the :term:`Transaction ID` in this response, and the ``current_view`` from the :http:GET:`/node/consensus` response, indicates a partitioned node. For example, if the response from :http:GET:`/node/commit` shows the ``View`` is ``15``, and the response from :http:GET:`/node/consensus` states the ``current view`` is ``78967`` and that number is constantly increasing, then this indicates the node is unable to make consensus progress, which likely indicates it is unable to contact other nodes. .. tip:: See :ccf_repo:`tests/infra/` for a detailed technical example of how the health of the network can be monitored. Node Output ----------- By default node output is written to ``stdout`` and to ``stderr`` and can be handled accordingly. There is an option to generate machine-readable logs for monitoring. To enable this, set the ``logging.format`` configuration entry to ``"Json"``. The generated logs will be in JSON format as displayed below: .. code-block:: json { "e_ts": "2019-09-02T14:47:24.589386Z", "file": "../src/consensus/aft/raft.h", "h_ts": "2019-09-02T14:47:24.589384Z", "level": "info", "msg": "Deserialising signature at 24\n", "number": 651 } - ``e_ts`` is the ISO 8601 UTC timestamp of the log if logged inside the enclave (field will be missing if line was logged on the host side) - ``h_ts`` is the ISO 8601 UTC timestamp of the log when logged on the host side - ``file`` is the file the log originated from - ``number`` is the line number in the file the log originated from - ``level`` is the level of the log message [info, debug, trace, fail, fatal] - ``msg`` is the log message See :ref:`this page ` for steps to add application-specific logging, which will have an additional ``tag`` field set to ``app``. Error Codes ----------- ``StartupSeqnoIsOld`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returned when a node tries to join a network with too old a snapshot, or no snapshot at all. See :ref:`this page ` for more information. **Resolution:** This can be resolved by trying to join again with a fresh snapshot. The seqno of the snapshot a node started from is available as ``startup_seqno`` in :http:GET:`/node/state`. Node Startup Issues ------------------- ``OE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: # Complete node logs on startup 2022-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z 100 [info ] ../src/host/main.cpp:519 | Initialising enclave: enclave_create_node [init ../../../psw/ae/aesm_service/source/core/ipc/UnixCommunicationSocket.cpp:225] Failed to connect to socket /var/run/aesmd/aesm.socket 2022-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z [(H)ERROR] tid(0x7f277c35b740) | SGX AESM service unavailable (oe_result_t=OE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) [/source/openenclave/host/sgx/sgxquote.c:_load_quote_ex_library_once:479] 2022-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z [(H)ERROR] tid(0x7f277c35b740) | Failed to load SGX quote-ex library (oe_result_t=OE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) [/source/openenclave/host/sgx/sgxquote.c:oe_sgx_qe_get_target_info:688] 2022-01-01T12:00:00.000000Z [(H)ERROR] tid(0x7f277c35b740) | :OE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE [/source/openenclave/host/sgx/quote.c:sgx_get_qetarget_info:37] This may occur on SGX deployments where the ``SGX_AESM_ADDR`` environment variable is set. By default, this variable is automatically set when installing CCF dependencies (specifically, Open Enclave) and indicates that out-of-process attestation quote generation should be used (`using the AESM service `_). While CCF supports out-of-process attestation, the AESM service is not installed as part of the CCF dependencies. For local deployments, it is expected that operators use in-process quote generation. **Resolution:** Unset the ``SGX_AESM_ADDR`` environment variable: ``$ unset SGX_AESM_ADDR``. Info Messages ------------- ``Ignoring signal: 13`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Signal 13 (`SIGPIPE`) is emitted on writes to closed fds. It is superfluous in programs that handle write errors, such as CCF, and is therefore ignored. This message does not indicate a malfunction. Most CCF releases set the `SIG_IGN` handler, but a bug introduced in Open Enclave `0.18.0 `_ caused the process to crash rather than ignore the signal. CCF installed an alternative handler as a workaround in `2.0.2 `_ , which produces this log line. The issue was fixed upstream in Open Enclave `0.18.1 `_ (see `#4542 `_). This log line is now redundant and will be removed from later releases.