Trains a model, given by its criterion function, using the specified training parameters and configs. Different aspects of training such as data sources, checkpointing, cross validation, progress printing can be configured using the corresponding config classes.

func_train(func, minibatch_source, minibatch_size = 32, streams = NULL,
  model_inputs_to_streams = NULL, parameter_learners = c(),
  callbacks = c(), progress_frequency = NULL, max_epochs = NULL,
  epoch_size = NULL, max_samples = NULL)



- The CNTK `Function` instance on which to apply the operation


(MinibatchSource or list of matrices) – data source used for training. For large data, use a MinibatchSource. For small data, pass a list of matrices. The number of streams/arrays must match the number of arguments of self.


(int or minibatch_size_schedule, defaults to 32) – minibatch size (or schedule) for training


(list) – (only if minibatch_source is a data reader) the streams of the minibatch_source in argument order. Not to be given if minibatch_source is specified as numpy/scipy arrays rather than a data reader.


(dict) – alternative to streams, specifying the mapping as a map from input variables to streams


(list) – list of learners


- list of callback objects, which can be of type ProgressWriter (for logging), CheckpointConfig (for #' check-pointing), TestConfig (for automatic final evaluation on a test set), #' and CrossValidationConfig (for cross-validation based training control).


(int) – frequency in samples for aggregated progress printing. Defaults to epoch_size if given, or None otherwise


(int, defaults to 1) – maximum number of samples used for training; requires epoch_size


(int) – in CNTK, epoch size means the number of samples between outputting summary information and/or checkpointing. This must be specified unless the user directly passes numpy/scipy arrays for the minibatch_source.


(int) – maximum number of samples used for training; mutually exclusive with max_epochs


The input data can be specified as a data reader (MinibatchSource) for large corpora; or directly as numpy/scipy arrays if the data is so small that it is feasible to keep it all in RAM.

Data is processed in minibatches. The minibatch size defaults to 32, which is a choice that commonly works well. However, for maximum efficiency, we recommend to experiment with minibatch sizes and choose the largest that converges well and does not exceed the GPU RAM. This is particularly important for distributed training, where often, the minibatch size can be increased throughout the training, which reduces data bandwidth and thus speeds up parallel training.

If input data is given through a data reader (as opposed to directly as a numpy/scipy array), the user must also specify the epoch size. This is because data readers are used for large corpora, and the traditional definition of epoch size as number of samples in the corpus is not very relevant. Instead, CNTK really means the number of samples between summary actions, such as printing training progress, adjusting the learning rate, and/or checkpointing the model.

The function returns an object that contains these members: epoch_summaries is a list that contains the progression of epoch loss (.loss) and metric (.metric) values and the corresponding number of labels (.samples) that they were averaged over. This is the same value that a progress printer would print as epoch summaries. updates is a similar list with the more fine-grained minibatch updates. If a TestConfig was specified, then test_summary is the metric and sample count on the specified test set for the final model.

A number of callback mechanisms can optionally be specified as a list as callbacks. CNTK has a fixed set of callback types, and only those types are allowed in the callbacks list: An object of type ProgressWriter from cntk.logging is used for progress logging; a CheckpointConfig configures the checkpointing mechanism, which keeps copies of models at regular intervals and allows to seamlessly restart from a last checkpoint; a TestConfig allows to specify a test set that is evaluated at the end of the training; and a CrossValidationConfig specifies a user callback that can be used to adjust learning hyper-parameters or to denote to stop training, optionally based on a separate cross-validation data set.