
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Azure Cluster Deployment.

Please refer to this for more general deployment issues.

After setup, I cannot visit the deployed DL Workspace portal.

sudo ./az_tools.py create failed.

Lost connection at the very first step of deploying infra node to Azure, or ./deploy.py runscriptonall ./scripts/prepare_vm_disk.sh

I cannot ssh to the node when my devbox is a physical server instead of a virtual one.

How do I know the node has been deployed?

I could not build docker image/No such image/An image does not exist locally with the tag/The repository XXX does not have a Release file

I can connect master/infra node, but the UI is not working (cannot access from browser), how to debug?

finished all deployment, but not able to connect to master node via ./deploy.py connect master, ssh denied even with ssh -i deploy/sshkey/id_rsa core@<infra node url>.

I can’t execute Spark job on Azure.

For ‘az login’, when I type in the device code, the web page prompt me again for the code.

I have launched a job (e.g., TensorFlow-iPython-GPU). However, I am unable to access the endpoint with error

```This site can’t be reached
....cloudapp.azure.com refused to connect.

Please check the docker image of the job you are running. Sometime, the iPython (or SSH server) hasn't been properly started, which caused the endpoint to be not accessible.  

I notice that my azure command is failing.

Azure CLI may time out after inactivity. You may need to re-login via ‘az login’.

Common configuration errors.