
HLSL Pack/Unpack Math Intrinsics

v1.00 2021-04-20

A new set of intrinsics are being added to HLSL for processing of packed 8bit data such as colors.

Packed Datatypes

New packed datatype are added to HLSL’s front end to symbolize a vector of packed 8bit values.

uint8_t4_packed   // 4 packed uint8_t values in a uint32_t 
int8_t4_packed    // 4 packed int8_t values in a uint32_t 

These new packed datatypes are front end constructs to aid in the proper use of the new intrinsics. They can be cast to and from uint32_t values without a change in the bit representation.

The new datatypes and assosiated intrinsics are a required feature for SM6.6.

Unpack Intrinsics

A set of unpack intrinsics are being added to unpack 4 signed or unsigned 8-bit values into a vector of 16 bit values or a 32 bit values. The 32 bit vector will not require the 16 bit native support.

int16_t4 unpack_s8s16(int8_t4_packed packedVal);        // Sign Extended
uint16_t4 unpack_u8u16(uint8_t4_packed packedVal);      // Non-Sign Extended

int32_t4 unpack_s8s32(int8_t4_packed packedVal);        // Sign Extended
uint32_t4 unpack_u8u32(uint8_t4_packed packedVal);      // Non-Sign Extended

Pack Intrinsics

Pack intrinsics will pack a vector of 4 signed or unsigned values into a packed 32 bit uint32_t represented by one of the new packed datatypes. Two versions of the pack intrinsics are defined. A version which performs a datatype clamp and a version which simply drops the unused bits.

uint8_t4_packed pack_u8(uint32_t4 unpackedVal);         // Pack lower 8 bits, drop unused bits
int8_t4_packed pack_s8(int32_t4  unpackedVal);          // Pack lower 8 bits, drop unused bits

uint8_t4_packed pack_u8(uint16_t4 unpackedVal);         // Pack lower 8 bits, drop unused bits
int8_t4_packed pack_s8(int16_t4  unpackedVal);          // Pack lower 8 bits, drop unused bits

uint8_t4_packed pack_clamp_u8(int32_t4  unpackedVal);   // Pack and Clamp [0, 255]
int8_t4_packed pack_clamp_s8(int32_t4  unpackedVal);    // Pack and Clamp [-128, 127]

uint8_t4_packed pack_clamp_u8(int16_t4  unpackedVal);   // Pack and Clamp [0, 255]
int8_t4_packed pack_clamp_s8(int16_t4  unpackedVal);    // Pack and Clamp [-128, 127]

Quantized Multiply HLSL Shader

Dequantize linear equation is defined dequantizeValue = (X - Z_p) * S

int16_t4 x0 = unpack_u8s16(Read())
int16_t4 x1 = unpack_u8s16(Read())

int16_t z0 = unpack_u8s16(Read()).x
int16_t z1 = unpack_u8s16(Read()).x
int32_t z_output = unpack_u8s32(Read()).x

float s0 = Read()
float s1 = Read()
float s2 = Read()

float s_output = (s0 * s1)/s2;

int16_t4 x2 = x0 - z0.xxxx;
int16_t4 x3 = x1 - z1.xxxx;

int32_t4 x_mul = (int32_t4)x2 * (int32_t4)x3;

float4 x_float = x_mul * s_output.xxxx;
int32_t4 x_output = round(x_float);

x_output = x_output + z_output.xxxx;

uint8_t4_packed y = pack_clamp_u8(x_output);


DXIL Backend Example

%dx.types.fouri16 = type { i16, i16, i16, i16 }


%read1 = ...
%read2 = ...
// unpack x0
%x0 = call %dx.types.fouri16 @dx.unpack_u8s16(i32 <op>, i32 %read1)
%x0.0 = i16 extractelement %vec4.i16 %x0, 0
%x0.1 = i16 extractelement %vec4.i16 %x0, 1
%x0.2 = i16 extractelement %vec4.i16 %x0, 2
%x0.3 = i16 extractelement %vec4.i16 %x0, 3

// unpack x1
%z0 = call %dx.types.fouri16 @dx.unpack_u8s16(i32 <op>, i32 %read3)
%z0.1 = i16 extractelement %vec4.i16 %z0, 0

// subtract x0 - z0.xxxx
%13 = i16 sub %x0.0, %z0.1
%14 = i16 sub %x0.1, %z0.1
%15 = i16 sub %x0.2, %z0.1
%16 = i16 sub %x0.3, %z0.1


Change Log

Version Date Description
1.00 20 Apr 2021 Minor Edits for Publication