
D3D12 Programmable Sample Positions





This feature allows applications to program the sample pattern used by the rasterizer for all bound RenderTargets and Depth/Stencil buffers. This feature is optional for IHVs to implement.




typedef struct D3D12_SAMPLE_POSITION
    INT8 X;
    INT8 Y;

Sample positions have the origin (0,0) at the pixel center.

X spans [-8..7], left to right.

Y spans [-8..7], top to bottom.

So the right and bottom edges of a pixel are not reachable by samples (the neighboring pixels get them). Positions outside this range are invalid.

Integer position values represent 1/16ths of a pixel. So for example integer position (-8,4) means (-0.5,0.25) in floating point.


        UINT NumSamplesPerPixel,
        UINT NumPixels,
        __in_ecount(NumSamplesPerPixel*NumPixels) D3D12_SAMPLE_POSITION* pSamplePositions);

NumPixels can be 1 or 4, otherwise the call is dropped. 1 configures a sample pattern to be repeated for every pixel. 4 configures a separate sample pattern for each pixel in a 2x2 grid that repeats over the RenderTarget / viewport space aligned to even coordinates in the floating point pixel coordinate space.

NumSamplesPerPixel can be 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16, otherwise the call is dropped. At Draw, this number must match the sample count in the PSO else behavior is undefined. (In the Mixed Rate Rasterization experiment described later, NumSamplesPerPixel must match the highest sample count, which would be the DepthStencil’s count if it is used)

NumPixels * NumSamplesPerPixel cannot exceed 16, otherwise the call is dropped.

pSamplePositions specifies NumPixels*NumSamplesPerPixel positions. The ordering of positions is all samples for a given pixel before moving to the next pixel, in left->right, top->bottom order for the pixels (relevant when NumPixels > 1).

The order of positions for a given pixel also indicates centroid sampling priority ordering (if centroid interpolation is used during rendering). In other words, with centroid sampling, the first covered sample in the order specified is chosen as the centroid sample location.

Sample Position Operational Semantics


In the absence of any calls to SetSamplePositions on a CommandList (so far), sample positions assume the default for whatever the Pipeline State Object used for drawing indicates, either via the SAMPLE_DESC portion of the PSO if that applies, or standard sample positions if ForcedSampleCount > 0 is being used in the RASTERIZER_DESC portion of the PSO.

Once SetSamplePositions has been called, subsequent Draw* calls must use a PSO that either specifies a matching sample count as SetSamplePositions via the SAMPLE_DESC portion of the PSO, or a matching ForcedSampleCount value in the RASTERIZER_DESC.

SetSamplePositions also impacts Resolve() anc Clear() APIs called on depth surfaces (does not impact stencil), as well as certain resource state transition calls – discussed later.

Calling SetSamplePositions(0,0,NULL) reverts state back to the default.

SetSamplePositions can be called on Graphics CommandLists only.

SetSamplePositions cannot be called in a Bundle. Bundles inherit sample position state from the calling CommandList and leave it unchanged on return.

Clear RenderTarget

Sample positions are ignored when clearing an RT.

Clear DepthStencil

Sample positions set at time of clearing of the depth portion of a depth/stencil surface must be configured consistently with future rendering to the cleared portion of the surface, and the contents of any uncleared region become undefined if they contain content that was produced with a different sample pattern.

Sample positions set at time of clearing of the stencil portion of a depth/stencil are ignored.

Draw using RenderTarget

Sample positions can be changed between rendering to an RT via separate draws, whether for separate areas of the RT or even rendering to the same pixels. At any given draw, the current sample locations dictate the semantics, and whatever colors happen to be in the RT get used as the colors for the current sample locations (even if the colors got there from being rendered with different sample locations).

Draw using DepthStencil

Draws to read/writing DepthStencil surface must be done with the current sample positions matching the sample positions set at the previous clear (for the region being rendered).

To use a different sample position state, the region to be rendered in the surface must be Cleared first. The state of pixels outside the clear region is unaffected.

Implementations may store plane equations for depth as an optimization, evaluating the plane equations to produce specific depth values when the application issues a read. Only the rasterizer and Output Merger’s depth/stencil portion are required to be able to correctly sample at programmed sample locations when reading/writing Depth. Any other read or write of a depth buffer that has been rendered with programmed sample positions may ignore the programmed locations and instead sample at the standard/default sample positions.

Resolve RenderTarget

Sample positions are ignored when using the Resolve*() APIs on RenderTargets. These APIs simply operate on stored color values.

Resolve DepthStencil

Currently set sample positions at calls to Resolve*() on the depth portion of depth/stencil surfaces must match the sample positions used when previously writing to the area being resolved.

Currently set sample positions at calls to Resolve*() on the stencil portion of depth/stencil surfaces are ignored. Just like RenderTarget resolves, stencil resolves just operate on the stored values.

Copy RenderTarget

Sample positions are ignored when using RenderTarget data as input to Copy*() APIs, regardless of full or partial copy.

Copy DepthStencil (Full Subresource)

Full subresource DepthStencil copies via Copy*() APIs require sample positions to be set, matching content in the source. Not all implementations need this, but the API simply requires this uniformly. On some hardware the implementation details in the source surface (such as stored plane equations for depth values) transfer to the destination. So if the destination content is subsequently drawn to, the sample positions originally used to generate the source content need to be used with the destination surface. The API requires this on all hardware for consistency even if it may only apply to some.

Aside: Previously, driver support for copying MSAA DepthStencil resources (including partial copies of a subregion of a single plane – depth or stencil) was unreliable. From now on this will be required to function correctly, backed by conformance tests.

Copy DepthStencil (Partial Subresource)

Partial subresource copies via Copy() APIs of the *depth portion of DepthStencil require sample positions to be set, matching content in the source, similar to full resource copies. If any content in affected destination subresources is only partially covered by the copy, the contents of the uncovered portion within those subresources becomes undefined unless all of it was generated using the same sample positions as the copy source.

Partial subresource copies via Copy* APIs of the stencil portion of DepthStencil ignore the currently set sample positions and it doesn’t matter what sample positions were used to generate content for any other areas of the destination buffer not covered by the copy – those contents remain valid.

Shader SamplePos

The HLSL SamplePos intrinsic is not aware of programmable sample positions and results returned to shaders calling this on a surface rendered with programmable positions is undefined. Applications must pass coordinates into their shader manually if needed. Similarly evaluating attributes by sample index is undefined with programmable sample positions.

Transitioning out of DEPTH_READ or DEPTH_WRITE state

If a subresource in DEPTH_* state is transitioned to any other state, including even COPY_SOURCE or RESOLVE_SOURCE, some implementations may need to perform a decompress on the surface. Therefore, the same sample positions used to put content into the source surface must be set on the command list. Furthermore, any subsequent transitions of the surface, with the same depth data remaining in it, must continue to be done with the same sample positions set on the command list.

If an application wants to minimize the decompressed area (knowing only a portion needs to be used) and/or preserve compression, ResolveSubresourceRegion() can be called in DECOMPRESS mode with a rect specified. This will decompress just the relevant area to a separate resource, leaving the source intact on some implementations, though on others implementations even the source area gets decompressed. The separate explicitly decompressed resource (which may be a smaller size) can then be transitioned to the desired state (such as SHADER_RESOURCE).

Transitioning out of RENDER_TARGET state

If a subresource in RENDER_TARGET state is transitioned to anything other than COPY_SOURCE or RESOLVE_SOURCE, some implementations may need to perform a decompress on the surface. This decompression is agnostic to sample patterns, so the currently set sample positions don’t matter.

If an application wants to minimize the decompressed area (knowing only a portion needs to be used) and/or preserve compression, ResolveSubresourceRegion() can be called in DECOMPRESS mode with a rect specified. This will decompress just the relevant area to a separate resource leaving the source intact on some implementations, though on others implementations even the source area gets decompressed. The separate explicitly decompressed resource (which may be a smaller size) can then be transitioned to the desired state (such as SHADER_RESOURCE).


typedef enum D3D12_RESOLVE_MODE

void ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1::ResolveSubresourceRegion(
    ID3D12Resource* pDstResource,
    UINT DstSubresource,
    UINT DstX, UINT DstY,
    ID3D12Resource* pSrcResource,
    UINT SrcSubresource,
    __in_opt D3D12_RECT* pSrcRect,
    DXGI_FORMAT Format

ResolveSubresourceRegion operates like the existing ResolveSubresource API but adding a couple of features:

  1. A portion of a subresource can be resolved, via source rect and destination top-left corner parameters

    • passing NULL for pSrcRect uses the entire source subresource size
  2. The resolve operation can be specified – MIN, MAX, AVERAGE (all following D3D arithmetic precision rules), and DECOMPRESS:

    • MIN or MAX can be used with any RenderTarget or DepthStencil format (depth or stencil plane)

    • AVERAGE can be used with any non-integer format – UNORM, FLOAT, SNORM etc, including depth (not stencil)

    • DECOMPRESS can be used when the source and destination have the same sample count, as opposed to the other modes that require the destination to have a sample count of 1. DECOMPRESS mode resolves any compression data structures (if necessary). In this case the destination surface can optionally be the same as the source and in the RESOLVE_SOURCE state, as long as rect/region match as well, in which case the decompress is done in place. Even if the source and destination are different surfaces, on some implementations, even the source will get decompressed. If a decompress is requested on a subset of the subresource, the actual amount of the surface decompressed may be larger depending on the implementation. The same sample positions used to put content into the source surface must be set on the command list if DECOMPRESS is done on depth content.

Implementations can often perform Multisample resolve faster than an application writing its own shader, but in the worst case an implementation may need to simply use the same sort of shader an application would use to perform the resolve.

The partial resolve can be useful, for instance, in multi-GPU scenarios where the render area has been partitioned arbitrarily across GPUs for a given frame and thus the relevant partial resolves can be done to produce a final buffer.

Experimental Feature: Mixed Rate Rasterization

An experimental feature will be exposed (available only in developer mode) as follows, when a driver optionally supports it:

    UINT CoverageSampleCount;
    INT Log2ShadingRate;
    UINT NumRenderTargets;
    UINT RTSampleCounts[8];
    UINT DepthStencilSampleCount;

CoverageSampleCount indicates the total number of samples tracked per pixel and can be greater or equal to the sample counts of the RTs or DepthStencil. Sample counts indicate how many color/depth slots there are. If a given RT or depth will not be bound, its sample count can be

  1. if no RTs are bound, either the array entries for RTSampleCounts can have 0s or NumRenderTargets can be 0.

All RenderTarget and DepthStencil Views used at draw time with a PSO that uses the MIXED_SAMPLE_DESC must have a quality value from the set listed above that matches CoverageSampleCount in the PSO.

The exact semantics are to be defined for when the CoverageSampleCount is greater than the sample count of the RTs or Depth, or if the RTs or Depth have varying sample counts. Various IHVs have already implemented solutions for these scenarios that can be exposed with this experimental feature until the details are ironed out.

Log2ShadingRate must be 0, 1, 2, or 3 (for now). 2\^Log2ShadingRate indicates the shading rate - maximum number of Pixel Shader shader invocations per pixel per triangle, when the Pixel Shader requests per-sample execution frequency. The actual number of invocations depends on the number of CoverageSamples (or ForcedSampleCount samples if greater) samples covered by a primitive. If the number of covered samples exceeds the shading rate, covered samples locations are picked in sample position list order ideally.

If sample frequency invocation is not requested by the Pixel Shader, Log2ShadingRate is ignored and there is one Pixel Shader invocation per covered pixel.

The reason this parameter is in log2 is to be open to the possibility that a shading rate less than one – like ½, ¼ etc. could be meaningful in the future.

Hardware Tiers

Tier 0 No support for Programmable Sample Positions
Tier 1 <p>NumPixels parameter to SetSamplePositions can be 1.</p><p>1x and 16x sample counts do not support programamble positions.</p><p>ResolveSubresourceRegion supported.</p>
Tier 2 <p>NumPixels parameter to SetSamplePositions can be 1 or 4.</p><p>No more restriction on 1x and 16x sample counts – all sample counts support programmable positions.</p>

Hardware support can be queried via the CheckFeatureSupport() API using the information in the header snippet below:

typedef enum D3D12_FEATURE
    D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS2 = 18


typedef struct D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS2
    _Out_ D3D12_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_TIER ProgrammableSamplePositionsTier;


SetSamplePositions DDI

typedef struct D3D12DDI_SAMPLE_POSITION
    INT8 X;
    INT8 Y;

    UINT NumSamplesPerPixel,
    UINT NumPixels,
    __in_ecount(NumSamplesPerPixel*NumPixels) D3D12_SAMPLE_POSITION* pSamplePositions

The SetSamplePositions method above appears in D3D12DDI_COMMANDLIST_FUNCS_3D_0026:


ResolveSubresourceRegion DDI

typedef enum D3D12DDI_RESOLVE_MODE

typedef VOID ( APIENTRY*
    D3D12DDI_HRESOURCE DstResource,
    UINT DstX,
    UINT DstY,
    D3D12DDI_HRESOURCE SrcResource,
    UINT SrcSubresource,
    __in_opt D3D12DI_RECT* pSrcRect,
    DXGI_FORMAT Format,
   D3D12DDI_RESOLVE_MODE ResolveMode

The ResolveSubresourceRegion method above appears in D3D12DDI_COMMANDLIST_FUNCS_3D_0026:


Capability Support


typedef struct D3D12DDI_D3D12_OPTIONS_DATA_0027
    D3D12DDI_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_TIER ProgrammableSamplePositionsTier;



Debug Layer


Functional Tests

Conformance Tests

Initial Bringup Test

SetSamplePositions Tier 2 test

Copy Test

Decompress Test

Change Log

10/28/2016 – v0.2, Added ResolveSubresourceRegion API which allows partial buffer MSAA resolves as well as supporting a small choice of operations – MIN, MAX, AVERAGE.

11/29/2016 – v0.3

12/7/2016 – v0.4

3/20/2017 – v0.5