Uninstall Factory Orchestrator
We're sorry to see you go! Please consider filing an issue on GitHub with any questions, bugs, or feedback you have first. There is a good chance we can help!
Uninstall the service on Windows
To uninstall the service, run the following from an administrator PowerShell:
. "$env:ProgramFiles\FactoryOrchestrator\UninstallFactoryOrchestratorService.ps1"
If you installed the service to a different directory, use that above.
Execution Policy
If you see the following error, you need to set your ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned.
File UninstallFactoryOrchestratorService.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170.
To resolve it, run the following command to temporarily allow you to run the install script:
# Temporarily allow your PC to run signed scripts
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process
# Then, you can install the service!
.\UninstallFactoryOrchestratorService.ps1 # -AutoStart
Uninstall the app on Windows
To uninstall the app follow these directions.
Uninstall the service on Linux
To uninstall the service, run the following from bash: