CSV containing tuples of form:
[, pivotLang],[, trainingSize],targetLang,metricValue
[, pivotLang],[, trainingSize],targetLang,metricValue
Add fine-tuning data
Current Configuration:
- Select training language from the drop-down.
- Configure the amount of labelled data in it using the slider.
- Click "Add" to save the current training language to the "Current Configuration".
- Repeat for each training language in current configuration.
- Click "Save" to save the current training configuration.
Language for which you have data (pivots)
Task data size for pivot languages: 100
Current Configuration:
No configurations selected.
Budget settings
Comma-separated list (ex: en,hi,ta)
Comma-separated list of key:value pairs (Ex en:5000,fr:2000)
Comma-separated list of key:value pairs (Ex en:5000,fr:2000)
Objective function settings
Comma-separated list of key:value pairs (ex: en:2,fr:3)
Performance constraint settings
Comma-separated list of key:value pairs (Ex en:0.5,fr:0.7)
Predicted Performance in selected targets:
(reported for best configuration = Config-)
*For predicted perf. on remaining targets, download all results from below.