The MixedReality-WebRTC project is a collection of components to help mixed reality app developers to integrate peer-to-peer audio, video, and data real-time communication into their application and improve their collaborative experience. These components are based on the WebRTC protocol for Real-Time Communication (RTC), which is supported by most modern web browsers.
Project scope
The MixedReality-WebRTC project focuses on features which actively contribute to enhance collaborative experiences in mixed reality apps. Although the WebRTC technology can be used for many different video and audio streaming applications -- and in fact the MixedReality-WebRTC project itself can be used in any applications, even non-mixed-reality ones -- the project scope limits the features the maintaining team will spend its development resources on. This does not mean that other features are not welcome; as an open-source project, we welcome any contribution. However we will dedicate more of our own resources to those contributions within the project scope.