Enum DeviceInputType
The InputType defines the types of input exposed by a controller. Denoting the available buttons / interactions that a controller supports.
Namespace: Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input
Assembly: cs.temp.dll.dll
public enum DeviceInputType
Name | Description |
ButtonNearTouch | |
ButtonPress | |
ButtonTouch | |
DirectionalPad | |
Gaze | |
Grip | |
GripNearTouch | |
GripPosition | 3-DoF grip with only position. |
GripPress | |
GripRotation | 3-DoF grip with only rotation. |
GripTouch | |
Hand | |
IndexFinger | |
IndexFingerNearTouch | |
IndexFingerPress | |
IndexFingerTouch | |
Menu | |
MiddleFinger | |
MiddleFingerNearTouch | |
MiddleFingerPress | |
MiddleFingerTouch | |
None | |
PinkyFinger | |
PinkyFingerNearTouch | |
PinkyFingerPress | |
PinkyFingerTouch | |
PointerClick | |
PointerPosition | 3-DoF pointer with only position. |
PointerRotation | 3-DoF pointer with only rotation. |
PrimaryButtonNearTouch | |
PrimaryButtonPress | |
PrimaryButtonTouch | |
RingFinger | |
RingFingerNearTouch | |
RingFingerPress | |
RingFingerTouch | |
Scroll | |
SecondaryButtonNearTouch | |
SecondaryButtonPress | |
SecondaryButtonTouch | |
Select | Select, in some cases, maps to the pinch/airtap gesture. |
SpatialGrip | 6-DoF grip with position and rotation. |
SpatialPointer | 6-DoF pointer with position and rotation. |
Start | |
Thumb | |
ThumbNearTouch | |
ThumbPress | |
ThumbStick | |
ThumbStickNearTouch | |
ThumbStickPress | |
ThumbStickTouch | |
ThumbTouch | |
Touchpad | |
TouchpadNearTouch | |
TouchpadPress | |
TouchpadTouch | |
Trigger | |
TriggerNearTouch | |
TriggerPress | |
TriggerTouch | |
Voice |