How to add near interaction in MRTK
Near interactions come in the form of touches and grabs. Touch and grab events are raised as pointer events by the PokePointer and SpherePointer, respectively.
Listen for touch and grab events by implementing IMixedRealityPointerHandler
and looking at the type of pointer that triggers your event. If the pointer is a PokePointer, the interaction is a touch. If the pointer is a SpherePointer, the interaction is a near grab. For touch interaction it is also possible to configure objects to raise touch events by implementing the IMixedRealityTouchHandler
Because near interactions are dispatched by pointers, you need to make sure MRTK is configured to create a SpherePointer and a PokePointer whenever articulated hands are present. You also need to add NearInteractionGrabbable
or NearInteractionTouchable
to each collidable you want to be near grababable / touchable. If you want to add touch interactions to Unity UI, you need to add add NearInteractionTouchableUnityUI
, read below for more details.
Below is a script that will print if an event is a touch or grab.
public class PrintPointerEvents : MonoBehaviour, IMixedRealityPointerHandler
public void OnPointerDown(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData)
if (eventData.Pointer is SpherePointer)
Debug.Log($"Grab start from {eventData.Pointer.PointerName}");
if (eventData.Pointer is PokePointer)
Debug.Log($"Touch start from {eventData.Pointer.PointerName}");
public void OnPointerClicked(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData) {}
public void OnPointerDragged(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData) {}
public void OnPointerUp(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData) {}
How to add near grab interactions
Make sure there is a SpherePointer in the MRTK pointer profile. The default MRTK profile and the default HoloLens 2 profile already contains a SpherePointer. For custom profiles, look under Input > Pointers > Pointer Options. Make sure that for the "articulated hand" controller type there is an entry that points to the GrabPointer prefab under MRTK.SDK/Features/UX/Prefabs, or if using a custom prefab add a SpherePointer.
Pick an object that to make grabbable. Any ancestor of that object will be able to receive pointer events. For example, you can add a cube to the scene.
Make sure there is a collider to that object.
Make sure the layer your object is on is a grabbable layer. By default, all layers except Spatial Awareness and Ignore Raycast are grabbable. See which layers are grabbable by inspecting the Grab Layer Masks in your GrabPointer prefab.
Add a
to that collider.On that object or one of its ancestors, add a component that implements
. For example, addManipulationHandler
How to add near touch interactions to collidables
If you have UnityUI that you would like to make work with touch events, please read the next section
Make sure there is a PokePointer in the MRTK pointer profile. The default MRTK profile and the default HoloLens 2 profile already contains a SpherePointer. For custom profiles, look under Input > Pointers > Pointer Options. Make sure that for the "articulated hand" controller type you there is an entry that points to the PokePointer prefab under MRTK.SDK/Features/UX/Prefabs, or if using a custom prefab, add a PokePointer.
Pick a object that should raise pointer events. Any ancestor of that object will be able to receive pointer events. For example, add a cube to the scene.
Make sure there is a collider to that object.
Make sure the layer your object is on is a touchable layer. By default, all layers except Ignore Raycast are touchable. See which layers are grabbable by inspecting the Touch Layer Masks in the PokePointer prefab.
Add a
to the object.Set "Events to Receive" to Pointer.
Click "Fix bounds" and "Fix center"
In the scene inspector, notice a white outline square and arrow. The arrow points to the "front" of the touchable. The collidable will only be touchable from that direction.
To make a collider touchable from all directions, add a
How to add near touch interactions to UnityUI
Make sure you have a PokePointer in your MRTK pointer profile. If you are using the default MRTK profile or the default HoloLens 2 profile, you will have this already. If you have a custom profile, open your custom profile and go to look under Input / Pointers / Pointer Options. Make sure that for the "articulated hand" controller type you have an entry that points to the PokePointer prefab under MRTK.SDK/Features/UX/Prefabs, or create your own prefab and add a PokePointer.
Add a UnityUI canvas to your scene.
Add a
to your object.Set "Events to Receive" to Pointer.
Touch events
This example creates a cube, makes it touchable, and change color on touch.
public static void MakeChangeColorOnTouch(GameObject target)
// Add and configure the touchable
var touchable = target.AddComponent<NearInteractionTouchableVolume>();
touchable.EventsToReceive = TouchableEventType.Pointer;
var material = target.GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
// Change color on pointer down and up
var pointerHandler = target.AddComponent<PointerHandler>();
pointerHandler.OnPointerDown.AddListener((e) => material.color =;
pointerHandler.OnPointerUp.AddListener((e) => material.color = Color.magenta);
Grab events
The below example shows how to make a gameobject draggable. Assumes that the game object has a collider on it.
public static void MakeNearDraggable(GameObject target)
// Instantiate and add grabbable
// Add ability to drag by reparenting to pointer object on pointer down
var pointerHandler = target.AddComponent<PointerHandler>();
pointerHandler.OnPointerDown.AddListener((e) =>
if (e.Pointer is SpherePointer)
target.transform.parent = ((SpherePointer)(e.Pointer)).transform;
pointerHandler.OnPointerUp.AddListener((e) =>
if (e.Pointer is SpherePointer)
target.transform.parent = null;