Tearing down an NLU model

The NLU.DevOps CLI tool includes a sub-command that allows you to tear down an NLU model. This command is useful in continuous integration scenarios where you may stand up a resource only to validate model performance.

Getting Started

Run the following command:

dotnet nlu clean -s luis

To make things easier, be sure to use the --save-appsettings option in the train command to ensure an appsettings.json file is generated with the NLU provider-specific details needed to make this call. Use the --delete-appsettings to delete the appsettings.json file after the resources are cleaned up.

Detailed Usage

-s, --service

Identifier of the NLU provider to run against. Try luis for LUIS or lex for Lex.

-i, --include

(Optional) Path to custom NLU provider DLL. See documentation about Specifying the include path for more details.

-a, --delete-appsettings

(Optional) Delete the NLU provider-specific configuration overrides that were generated using the --save-appsettings option in a train command.

-v, --verbose

(Optional) Use verbose logging when running the command.

-q, --quiet

(Optional) Suppress logging when running the command.