Source code for block_zoo.BiQRNN

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

import numpy as np
from block_zoo.BaseLayer import BaseLayer, BaseConf
from utils.DocInherit import DocInherit
import copy

[docs]class ForgetMult(torch.nn.Module): """ForgetMult computes a simple recurrent equation: h_t = f_t * x_t + (1 - f_t) * h_{t-1} This equation is equivalent to dynamic weighted averaging. Inputs: X, hidden - X (seq_len, batch, input_size): tensor containing the features of the input sequence. - F (seq_len, batch, input_size): tensor containing the forget gate values, assumed in range [0, 1]. - hidden_init (batch, input_size): tensor containing the initial hidden state for the recurrence (h_{t-1}). """ def __init__(self): super(ForgetMult, self).__init__()
[docs] def forward(self, f, x, hidden_init=None): result = [] forgets = f.split(1, dim=0) prev_h = hidden_init for i, h in enumerate((f * x).split(1, dim=0)): if prev_h is not None: h = h + (1 - forgets[i]) * prev_h # h is (1, batch, hidden) when it needs to be (batch_hidden) # Calling squeeze will result in badness if batch size is 1 h = h.view(h.size()[1:]) result.append(h) prev_h = h return torch.stack(result)
[docs]class QRNNLayer(nn.Module): """Applies a single layer Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network (QRNN) to an input sequence. Args: input_size: The number of expected features in the input x. hidden_size: The number of features in the hidden state h. If not specified, the input size is used. save_prev_x: Whether to store previous inputs for use in future convolutional windows (i.e. for a continuing sequence such as in language modeling). If true, you must call reset to remove cached previous values of x. Default: False. window: Defines the size of the convolutional window (how many previous tokens to look when computing the QRNN values). Supports 1 and 2. Default: 1. zoneout: Whether to apply zoneout (i.e. failing to update elements in the hidden state) to the hidden state updates. Default: 0. output_gate: If True, performs QRNN-fo (applying an output gate to the output). If False, performs QRNN-f. Default: True. Inputs: X, hidden - X (seq_len, batch, input_size): tensor containing the features of the input sequence. - hidden (batch, hidden_size): tensor containing the initial hidden state for the QRNN. Outputs: output, h_n - output (seq_len, batch, hidden_size): tensor containing the output of the QRNN for each timestep. - h_n (1, batch, hidden_size): tensor containing the hidden state for t=seq_len """ def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size=None, save_prev_x=False, zoneout=0, window=1, output_gate=True): super(QRNNLayer, self).__init__() assert window in [1, 2], "This QRNN implementation currently only handles convolutional window of size 1 or size 2" self.window = window self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size if hidden_size else input_size self.zoneout = zoneout self.save_prev_x = save_prev_x self.prevX = None self.output_gate = output_gate # One large matmul with concat is faster than N small matmuls and no concat self.linear = nn.Linear(self.window * self.input_size, 3 * self.hidden_size if self.output_gate else 2 * self.hidden_size)
[docs] def reset(self): # If you are saving the previous value of x, you should call this when starting with a new state self.prevX = None
[docs] def forward(self, X, hidden=None): seq_len, batch_size, _ = X.size() source = None if self.window == 1: source = X elif self.window == 2: # Construct the x_{t-1} tensor with optional x_{-1}, otherwise a zeroed out value for x_{-1} Xm1 = [] Xm1.append(self.prevX if self.prevX is not None else X[:1, :, :] * 0) # Note: in case of len(X) == 1, X[:-1, :, :] results in slicing of empty tensor == bad if len(X) > 1: Xm1.append(X[:-1, :, :]) Xm1 =, 0) # Convert two (seq_len, batch_size, hidden) tensors to (seq_len, batch_size, 2 * hidden) source =[X, Xm1], 2) # Matrix multiplication for the three outputs: Z, F, O Y = self.linear(source) # Convert the tensor back to (batch, seq_len, len([Z, F, O]) * hidden_size) if self.output_gate: Y = Y.view(seq_len, batch_size, 3 * self.hidden_size) Z, F, O = Y.chunk(3, dim=2) else: Y = Y.view(seq_len, batch_size, 2 * self.hidden_size) Z, F = Y.chunk(2, dim=2) ### Z = torch.tanh(Z) F = torch.sigmoid(F) # If zoneout is specified, we perform dropout on the forget gates in F # If an element of F is zero, that means the corresponding neuron keeps the old value if self.zoneout: if # mask = Variable(*F.size()).bernoulli_(1 - self.zoneout), requires_grad=False) mask = F.new_empty(F.size(), requires_grad=False).bernoulli_(1 - self.zoneout) F = F * mask else: F *= 1 - self.zoneout # Forget Mult C = ForgetMult()(F, Z, hidden) # Apply (potentially optional) output gate if self.output_gate: H = torch.sigmoid(O) * C else: H = C # In an optimal world we may want to backprop to x_{t-1} but ... if self.window > 1 and self.save_prev_x: # self.prevX = Variable(X[-1:, :, :].data, requires_grad=False) self.prevX = X[-1:, :, :].detach() return H, C[-1:, :, :]
[docs]class QRNN(torch.nn.Module): """Applies a multiple layer Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network (QRNN) to an input sequence. Args: input_size: The number of expected features in the input x. hidden_size: The number of features in the hidden state h. If not specified, the input size is used. num_layers: The number of QRNN layers to produce. dropout: Whether to use dropout between QRNN layers. Default: 0. bidirectional: If True, becomes a bidirectional QRNN. Default: False. save_prev_x: Whether to store previous inputs for use in future convolutional windows (i.e. for a continuing sequence such as in language modeling). If true, you must call reset to remove cached previous values of x. Default: False. window: Defines the size of the convolutional window (how many previous tokens to look when computing the QRNN values). Supports 1 and 2. Default: 1. zoneout: Whether to apply zoneout (i.e. failing to update elements in the hidden state) to the hidden state updates. Default: 0. output_gate: If True, performs QRNN-fo (applying an output gate to the output). If False, performs QRNN-f. Default: True. Inputs: X, hidden - X (seq_len, batch, input_size): tensor containing the features of the input sequence. - hidden (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size): tensor containing the initial hidden state for the QRNN. Outputs: output, h_n - output (seq_len, batch, hidden_size * num_directions): tensor containing the output of the QRNN for each timestep. - h_n (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size): tensor containing the hidden state for t=seq_len """ def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1, bias=True, batch_first=False, dropout=0.0, bidirectional=False, **kwargs): # assert bidirectional == False, 'Bidirectional QRNN is not yet supported' assert batch_first == False, 'Batch first mode is not yet supported' assert bias == True, 'Removing underlying bias is not yet supported' super(QRNN, self).__init__() # self.layers = torch.nn.ModuleList(layers if layers else [QRNNLayer(input_size if l == 0 else hidden_size, hidden_size, **kwargs) for l in range(num_layers)]) if bidirectional: self.layers = torch.nn.ModuleList( [QRNNLayer(input_size if l < 2 else hidden_size * 2, hidden_size, **kwargs) for l in range(num_layers * 2)]) else: self.layers = torch.nn.ModuleList( [QRNNLayer(input_size if l == 0 else hidden_size, hidden_size, **kwargs) for l in range(num_layers)]) self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_layers = num_layers self.bias = bias self.batch_first = batch_first self.dropout = dropout self.bidirectional = bidirectional self.num_directions = 2 if bidirectional else 1 assert len(self.layers) == self.num_layers * self.num_directions
[docs] def tensor_reverse(self, tensor): # idx = [i for i in range(tensor.size(0) - 1, -1, -1)] # idx = torch.LongTensor(idx) # inverted_tensor = tensor.index_select(0, idx) return tensor.flip(0)
[docs] def reset(self): r'''If your convolutional window is greater than 1, you must reset at the beginning of each new sequence''' [layer.reset() for layer in self.layers]
[docs] def forward(self, input, hidden=None): next_hidden = [] for i in range(self.num_layers): all_output = [] for j in range(self.num_directions): l = i * self.num_directions + j layer = self.layers[l] if j == 1: input = self.tensor_reverse(input) # reverse output, hn = layer(input, None if hidden is None else hidden[l]) next_hidden.append(hn) if j == 1: output = self.tensor_reverse(output) # reverse all_output.append(output) input =, input.dim() - 1) if self.dropout != 0 and i < self.num_layers - 1: input = torch.nn.functional.dropout(input, p=self.dropout,, inplace=False) next_hidden =, 0).view(self.num_layers * self.num_directions, *next_hidden[0].size()[-2:]) # for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): # input, hn = layer(input, None if hidden is None else hidden[i]) # next_hidden.append(hn) # # if self.dropout != 0 and i < len(self.layers) - 1: # input = torch.nn.functional.dropout(input, p=self.dropout,, inplace=False) # # next_hidden =, 0).view(self.num_layers, *next_hidden[0].size()[-2:]) return input, next_hidden
[docs]class BiQRNNConf(BaseConf): """ Configuration of BiQRNN Args: hidden_dim (int): dimension of hidden state window: the size of the convolutional window. Supports 1 and 2. Default: 1 zoneout: Whether to apply zoneout (failing to update elements in the hidden state). Default: 0 dropout (float): dropout rate bewteen BiQRNN layers num_layers (int): number of BiQRNN layers """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(BiQRNNConf, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @DocInherit def default(self): self.hidden_dim = 128 self.window = 1 self.zoneout = 0.0 self.dropout = 0.0 self.num_layers = 1
[docs] @DocInherit def declare(self): self.num_of_inputs = 1 self.input_ranks = [3]
[docs] @DocInherit def inference(self): self.output_dim = copy.deepcopy(self.input_dims[0]) self.output_dim[-1] = 2 * self.hidden_dim super(BiQRNNConf, self).inference() # PUT THIS LINE AT THE END OF inference()
[docs] @DocInherit def verify(self): super(BiQRNNConf, self).verify() necessary_attrs_for_user = ['hidden_dim', 'window', 'zoneout', 'dropout', 'num_layers'] for attr in necessary_attrs_for_user: self.add_attr_exist_assertion_for_user(attr)
[docs]class BiQRNN(BaseLayer): """ Bidrectional QRNN Args: layer_conf (BiQRNNConf): configuration of a layer """ def __init__(self, layer_conf): super(BiQRNN, self).__init__(layer_conf) self.qrnn = QRNN(layer_conf.input_dims[0][-1], layer_conf.hidden_dim, layer_conf.num_layers, window=layer_conf.window, zoneout=layer_conf.zoneout, dropout=layer_conf.dropout, bidirectional=True)
[docs] def forward(self, string, string_len): """ process inputs Args: string (Tensor): [batch_size, seq_len, dim] string_len (Tensor): [batch_size] Returns: Tensor: [batch_size, seq_len, hidden_dim] """ string = string.transpose(0, 1) string_output = self.qrnn(string)[0] # seqlen x batch x 2*nhid string_output = string_output.transpose(0, 1) return string_output, string_len