# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import autograd
from block_zoo.BaseLayer import BaseLayer, BaseConf
import numpy as np
from utils.DocInherit import DocInherit
from block_zoo.embedding import *
import copy
import logging
[docs]class EmbeddingConf(BaseConf):
""" Configuration for Embedding
conf:a dictionary. The key is embedding type, such as word embedding, char embedding, Part-of-Speech embedding and so on.
"conf": {
"word": {
"cols": ["question_text", "answer_text"],
"dim": 300,
"fix_weight": true
"postag": {
"cols": ["question_postag","answer_postag"],
"dim": 20
"char": {
"cols": ["question_char", "answer_char"],
"type": "CNNCharEmbedding",
"dropout": 0.2,
"dim": 30,
"embedding_matrix_dim": 8,
"window_size": 5,
"activation": null
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(EmbeddingConf, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @DocInherit
def default(self):
self.conf = {
'word': {
'vocab_size': 1000,
'dim': 300,
'init_weights': np.random.randn(1000, 300) # you can give a initial weight here like this or assign it to None
[docs] @DocInherit
def declare(self):
self.num_of_inputs = 1
self.input_ranks = [2] #[batch size, sequence length]
[docs] @DocInherit
def inference(self):
self.output_dim = [-1, -1, 0]
for emb_type in self.conf:
if emb_type == 'position':
self.output_dim[2] += self.conf[emb_type]['dim']
super(EmbeddingConf, self).inference()
[docs] @DocInherit
def verify_before_inference(self):
necessary_attrs_for_user = ['conf']
for attr in necessary_attrs_for_user:
necessary_attrs_for_dev = ['num_of_inputs', 'input_ranks']
for attr in necessary_attrs_for_dev:
type_checks = [('conf', dict),
('num_of_inputs', int),
('input_ranks', list)]
for attr, attr_type in type_checks:
self.add_attr_type_assertion(attr, attr_type)
[docs] @DocInherit
def verify(self):
#super(EmbeddingConf, self).verify()
necessary_attrs_for_dev = ['output_dim', 'output_rank']
for attr in necessary_attrs_for_dev:
type_checks = [('output_dim', list),
('output_rank', int)]
for attr, attr_type in type_checks:
self.add_attr_type_assertion(attr, attr_type)
[docs]class Embedding(BaseLayer):
""" Embedding layer
layer_conf (EmbeddingConf): configuration of a layer
def __init__(self, layer_conf):
super(Embedding, self).__init__(layer_conf)
self.layer_conf = layer_conf
self.embeddings = dict()
for input_cluster in layer_conf.conf:
if 'type' in layer_conf.conf[input_cluster]:
# char embedding
char_emb_conf_dict = copy.deepcopy(layer_conf.conf[input_cluster])
# del char_emb_conf_dict['cols'], char_emb_conf_dict['type']
char_emb_conf_dict['use_gpu'] = layer_conf.use_gpu
char_emb_conf = eval(layer_conf.conf[input_cluster]['type'] + "Conf")(** char_emb_conf_dict)
self.embeddings[input_cluster] = eval(layer_conf.conf[input_cluster]['type'])(char_emb_conf)
# word embedding, postag embedding, and so on
self.embeddings[input_cluster] = nn.Embedding(layer_conf.conf[input_cluster]['vocab_size'], layer_conf.conf[input_cluster]['dim'], padding_idx=0)
if 'init_weights' in layer_conf.conf[input_cluster] and layer_conf.conf[input_cluster]['init_weights'] is not None:
self.embeddings[input_cluster].weight = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(layer_conf.conf[input_cluster]['init_weights']))
# judge if fix the embedding weight
if layer_conf.conf[input_cluster]['fix_weight']:
self.embeddings[input_cluster].weight.requires_grad = False
logging.info("The Embedding[%s][fix_weight] is true, fix the embeddings[%s]'s weight" % (input_cluster, input_cluster))
[docs] def forward(self, inputs, use_gpu=False):
""" process inputs
inputs (dict): a dictionary to describe each transformer_model inputs. e.g.:\n
char_emb': [[char ids of word1], [char ids of word2], [...], ...], shape: [batch_size, seq_len, word character num]\n
'word': word ids (Variable), shape:[batch_size, seq_len],\n
'postag': postag ids (Variable), shape: [batch_size, seq_len],\n
use_gpu (bool): put embedding matrix on GPU (True) or not (False)
Variable: the embedding representation with shape [batch_size, seq_len, emb_dim]
features = []
for input_cluster in inputs:
if 'extra' in input_cluster:
input = inputs[input_cluster]
# if 'type' in self.layer_conf.conf[input_cluster]:
# emb = self.embeddings[input_cluster](input, lengths[input]).float()
# else:
# emb = self.embeddings[input_cluster](input).float()
emb = self.embeddings[input_cluster](input.cpu()).float()
if use_gpu is True:
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
emb = emb.to(device)
if len(features) > 1:
return torch.cat(features, 2)
return features[0]