Source code for block_zoo.Pooling

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

import numpy as np

from block_zoo.BaseLayer import BaseLayer, BaseConf
from utils.DocInherit import DocInherit

[docs]class PoolingConf(BaseConf): """ Args: pool_type (str): 'max' or 'mean', default is 'max'. pool_axis (int): which axis to conduct pooling, default is 1. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PoolingConf, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @DocInherit def default(self): #self.input_dim = 128 self.pool_type = 'max' # Supported: ['max', mean'] self.pool_axis = 1
[docs] @DocInherit def declare(self): self.num_of_inputs = 1 self.input_ranks = [-1]
[docs] @DocInherit def inference(self): self.output_dim = [] for idx, dim in enumerate(self.input_dims[0]): if idx != self.pool_axis: self.output_dim.append(dim) # DON'T MODIFY THIS self.output_rank = len(self.output_dim)
[docs] @DocInherit def verify(self): super(PoolingConf, self).verify() necessary_attrs_for_user = ['pool_type', 'pool_axis'] for attr in necessary_attrs_for_user: self.add_attr_exist_assertion_for_user(attr) self.add_attr_value_assertion('pool_type', ['max', 'mean']) assert all([input_rank >= 3 for input_rank in self.input_ranks]), "Cannot apply a pooling layer on a tensor of which the rank is less than 3. Usually, a tensor whose rank is at least 3, e.g. [batch size, sequence length, feature]" assert self.output_dim[-1] != -1, "Pooling on the axis %d while the input shape is %s requires that the sequence lengths should be fixed! Please set it on conf/training_params/fixed_lengths" % (self.pool_axis, str(self.input_dims[0]))
[docs]class Pooling(BaseLayer): """ Pooling layer Args: layer_conf (PoolingConf): configuration of a layer """ def __init__(self, layer_conf): super(Pooling, self).__init__(layer_conf)
[docs] def forward(self, string, string_len=None): """ process inputs Args: string (Tensor): any shape. string_len (Tensor): [batch_size], default is None. Returns: Tensor: Pooling result of string """ if self.layer_conf.pool_type == "mean": assert not string_len is None, "Parameter string_len should not be None!" string = torch.sum(string, self.layer_conf.pool_axis).squeeze(self.layer_conf.pool_axis) if not torch.is_tensor(string_len): string_len = torch.FloatTensor(string_len).unsqueeze(1) if self.is_cuda(): device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") string_len = string_len = string_len.unsqueeze(1) output = string / string_len.expand_as(string).float() elif self.layer_conf.pool_type == "max": output = torch.max(string, self.layer_conf.pool_axis)[0] return output, string_len