
Pluto Notebooks

The OpticSim package comes with several Pluto notebooks (code snippets are coming soon) that allow the user to change and run sample code and view the results in real-time. We highly recommend for you to try these out. The notebooks are located in the samples folder, and you can try them by running:

import OpticSim.NotebooksUtils as NB    # the **as** option was added in Julia v1.6


The run_sample method will copy the notebook to your current folder (if it does not exist) and launch Pluto to run the notebook in the browser.

Cooke Triplet

function draw_cooketriplet(filename::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing)
    g1, g2 = Examples_N_SK16, Examples_N_SF2
    sys = AxisymmetricOpticalSystem{Float64}(DataFrame(
        SurfaceType  = ["Object", "Standard", "Standard", "Standard", "Stop", "Standard", "Standard", "Image"],
        Radius       = [Inf,      26.777,     66.604,     -35.571,    35.571, 35.571,     -26.777,    Inf    ],
        Thickness    = [Inf,      4.0,        2.0,        4.0,        2.0,    4.0,        44.748,     missing],
        Material     = [Air,      g1,         Air,        g2,         Air,    g1,         Air,        missing],
        SemiDiameter = [Inf,      8.580,      7.513,      7.054,      6.033,  7.003,      7.506,      15.0   ],

    origins = Origins.Hexapolar(8, 15.0, 15.0)
    directions = Directions.Constant(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
    s1 = Sources.Source(; origins, directions, sourcenum=1)

    transform = Transform(rotmatd(10, 0, 0), unitZ3())
    s2 = Sources.Source(; transform, origins, directions, sourcenum=2)

    raygenerator = Sources.CompositeSource(Transform(), [s1, s2])

    trackallrays = test = colorbysourcenum = true; resolution = (1000, 700)
    Vis.drawtracerays(sys; raygenerator, trackallrays, test, colorbysourcenum, resolution)
    Vis.make2dy(); Vis.save(filename)
    return sys
sys = 8×5 DataFrame
 Row │ SurfaceType  Radius   Thickness    Material                           SemiDiameter
     │ String       Float64  Float64?     Abstract…?                         Float64
   1 │ Object       Inf          Inf      Air                                     Inf
   2 │ Standard      26.777        4.0    OpticSim.Examples.Examples_N_SK16         8.58
   3 │ Standard      66.604        2.0    Air                                       7.513
   4 │ Standard     -35.571        4.0    OpticSim.Examples.Examples_N_SF2          7.054
   5 │ Stop          35.571        2.0    Air                                       6.033
   6 │ Standard      35.571        4.0    OpticSim.Examples.Examples_N_SK16         7.003
   7 │ Standard     -26.777       44.748  Air                                       7.506
   8 │ Image        Inf      missing      missing                                  15.0

Cooke triplet visualization

Zoom Lens

function draw_zoomlenses(filenames::Vector{<:Union{Nothing,AbstractString}} = repeat([nothing], 3))
    stops = [2.89, 3.99, 4.90]
    zooms = [9.48, 4.48, 2.00]
    dists = [4.46970613, 21.21, 43.81]

    transform = translation(0.0, 0.0, 10.0)
    origins = Origins.Hexapolar(8, 10.0, 10.0)
    directions = Directions.Constant(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
    raygenerator = Sources.Source(; transform, origins, directions)

    aspherics = [
        ["4" => 1.0386E-04, "6" => 1.4209E-07, "8" => -8.8495E-09, "10" => 1.2477E-10, "12" => -1.0367E-12, "14" => 3.6556E-15],
        ["4" => 4.2721E-05, "6" => 1.2484E-07, "8" => 9.7079E-09, "10" => -1.8444E-10, "12" => 1.8644E-12, "14" => -7.7975E-15],
        ["4" => 1.1339E-04, "6" => 4.8165E-07, "8" => 1.8778E-08, "10" => -5.7571E-10, "12" => 8.9994E-12, "14" => -4.6768E-14],
    syss = [
            SurfaceType = ["Object", "Stop", "Standard", "Standard", "Standard", "Aspheric", "Standard", "Standard", "Aspheric", "Aspheric", "Standard", "Standard", "Standard", "Standard", "Standard", "Standard", "Image"],
            Radius = [Inf64, Inf64, -1.6202203499676E+01, -4.8875855327468E+01, 1.5666614444619E+01, -4.2955326460481E+01, 1.0869565217391E+02, 2.3623907394283E+01, -1.6059097478722E+01, -4.2553191489362E+02, -3.5435861091425E+01, -1.4146272457208E+01, -2.5125628140704E+02, -2.2502250225023E+01, -1.0583130489999E+01, -4.4444444444444E+01, Inf64],
            Parameters = [missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, aspherics[1], missing, missing, aspherics[2], aspherics[3], missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing],
            Thickness = [Inf64, 0.0, 5.18, 0.10, 4.40, 0.16, 1.0, 4.96, zoom, 4.04, 1.35, 1.0, 2.80, 3.0, 1.22, dist, missing],
            Material = [Air, Air, OHARA.S_LAH66, Air, NIKON.LLF6, Air, OHARA.S_TIH6, OHARA.S_FSL5, Air, OHARA.S_FSL5, Air, OHARA.S_LAL8, OHARA.S_FSL5, Air, OHARA.S_LAH66, Air, missing],
            SemiDiameter = [Inf64, stop, 3.85433218451, 3.85433218451, 4.36304692871, 4.36304692871, 4.72505505439, 4.72505505439, 4.72505505439, 4.45240784026, 4.45240784026, 4.50974054117, 4.50974054117, 4.50974054117, 4.76271114409, 4.76271114409, 15.0]))
        for (stop, zoom, dist) in zip(stops, zooms, dists)]

    for (sys, filename) in zip(syss, filenames)
        Vis.drawtracerays(sys; raygenerator, trackallrays=true, test=true, numdivisions=50, resolution=(1200, 600))
        Vis.make2dy(); Vis.save(filename)
    return syss
syss[1] = 17×6 DataFrame
 Row │ SurfaceType  Radius     Parameters                         Thickness      Material       SemiDiameter
     │ String       Float64    Array…?                            Float64?       Abstract…?     Float64
   1 │ Object        Inf       missing                                Inf        Air               Inf
   2 │ Stop          Inf       missing                                  0.0      Air                 2.89
   3 │ Standard      -16.2022  missing                                  5.18     OHARA.S_LAH66       3.85433
   4 │ Standard      -48.8759  missing                                  0.1      Air                 3.85433
   5 │ Standard       15.6666  missing                                  4.4      NIKON.LLF6          4.36305
   6 │ Aspheric      -42.9553  ["4"=>0.00010386, "6"=>1.4209e-7…        0.16     Air                 4.36305
   7 │ Standard      108.696   missing                                  1.0      OHARA.S_TIH6        4.72506
   8 │ Standard       23.6239  missing                                  4.96     OHARA.S_FSL5        4.72506
   9 │ Aspheric      -16.0591  ["4"=>4.2721e-5, "6"=>1.2484e-7,…        9.48     Air                 4.72506
  10 │ Aspheric     -425.532   ["4"=>0.00011339, "6"=>4.8165e-7…        4.04     OHARA.S_FSL5        4.45241
  11 │ Standard      -35.4359  missing                                  1.35     Air                 4.45241
  12 │ Standard      -14.1463  missing                                  1.0      OHARA.S_LAL8        4.50974
  13 │ Standard     -251.256   missing                                  2.8      OHARA.S_FSL5        4.50974
  14 │ Standard      -22.5023  missing                                  3.0      Air                 4.50974
  15 │ Standard      -10.5831  missing                                  1.22     OHARA.S_LAH66       4.76271
  16 │ Standard      -44.4444  missing                                  4.46971  Air                 4.76271
  17 │ Image         Inf       missing                            missing        missing            15.0

Zoom position 1 visualization Zoom position 2 visualization Zoom position 3 visualization

Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope

function draw_schmidtcassegraintelescope(filename::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing)
    # glass entrance lens on telescope
    topsurf = Plane(
        SVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
        SVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        interface = FresnelInterface{Float64}(Examples_N_BK7, Air),
        vishalfsizeu = 12.00075,
        vishalfsizev = 12.00075)
    botsurf = AcceleratedParametricSurface(ZernikeSurface(
        radius = -1.14659768e+4,
        aspherics = [(4, 3.68090959e-7), (6, 2.73643352e-11), (8, 3.20036892e-14)]),
        interface = FresnelInterface{Float64}(Examples_N_BK7, Air))
    coverlens = Cylinder(12.00075, 1.4) ∩ topsurf ∩ leaf(botsurf, Transform(rotmatd(0, 180, 0), Vec3(0.0, 0.0, -0.65)))

    # big mirror with a hole in it
    frontsurfacereflectance = 1.0
    bigmirror = (
        ConicLens(Examples_N_BK7, -72.65, -95.2773500000134, 0.077235, Inf, 0.0, 0.2, 12.18263; frontsurfacereflectance) -
        leaf(Cylinder(4.0, 0.3, interface = opaqueinterface()), translation(0.0, 0.0, -72.75))

    # small mirror supported on a spider
    backsurfacereflectance = 1.0
    smallmirror = SphericalLens(Examples_N_BK7, -40.65, Inf, -49.6845, 1.13365, 4.3223859; backsurfacereflectance)

    obscuration1 = Circle(4.5, SVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), SVector(0.0, 0.0, -40.649), interface = opaqueinterface())
    obscurations2 = Spider(3, 0.5, 12.0, SVector(0.0, 0.0, -40.65))

    # put it together with the detector
    la = LensAssembly(coverlens(), bigmirror(), smallmirror(), obscuration1, obscurations2...)
    det = Circle(3.0, SVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), SVector(0.0, 0.0, -92.4542988), interface = opaqueinterface())
    sys = CSGOpticalSystem(la, det)

    # define ray generator
    transform = translation(0.0, 0.0, 10.0)
    origins = Origins.Hexapolar(8, 20.0, 20.0)
    directions = Directions.Constant(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
    raygenerator = Sources.Source(; transform, origins, directions)

    # draw and output
    Vis.drawtracerays(sys; raygenerator, trackallrays = true, colorbynhits = true, test = true, numdivisions = 100, drawgen = false)
    return nothing

Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope visualization

Lens Construction

function draw_lensconstruction(filename::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing)
    topsurface = leaf(
                radius = -25.0,
                conic = 0.3,
                αcoeffs = [(1, 0, 0.3), (1, 1, 1.0)],
                βcoeffs = [(1, 0, -0.1), (2, 0, 0.4), (3, 0, -0.6)],
                normradius = 9.5),
            interface = FresnelInterface{Float64}(Examples_N_BK7, Air)),
        translation(0.0, 0.0, 5.0))
    botsurface = Plane(
        SVector(0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
        SVector(0.0, 0.0, -5.0),
        vishalfsizeu = 9.5,
        vishalfsizev = 9.5,
        interface = FresnelInterface{Float64}(Examples_N_BK7, Air))
    barrel = Cylinder(
        9.0, 20.0, interface = FresnelInterface{Float64}(Examples_N_BK7, Air, reflectance=0.0, transmission=0.0)
    lens = (barrel ∩ topsurface ∩ botsurface)(Transform(0.0, Float64(π), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -5.0))
    detector = Rectangle(15.0, 15.0, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, -67.8], interface = opaqueinterface())
    sys = CSGOpticalSystem(LensAssembly(lens), detector)

    Vis.drawtracerays(sys, test = true, trackallrays = true, colorbynhits = true)
    return nothing

lens construction example



function draw_HOEfocus(filename::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing)
    rect = Rectangle(5.0, 5.0, SVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), SVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    int = HologramInterface(
        SVector(0.0, -3.0, -20.0), ConvergingBeam,
        SVector(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), CollimatedBeam,
        0.55, 9.0, Air, Examples_N_BK7, Air, Air, Air, 0.05, false)
    obj = HologramSurface(rect, int)
    sys = CSGOpticalSystem(
        Rectangle(10.0, 10.0, SVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), SVector(0.0, 0.0, -25.0),
        interface = opaqueinterface()))

    raygenerator = Sources.Source(;
        transform = translation(0.0, 0.0, 10.0),
        spectrum = Spectrum.DeltaFunction(0.55),
        origins = Origins.RectGrid(3.0, 3.0, 5, 5),
        directions = Directions.Constant(0.0, 0.0, -1.0))

    Vis.drawtracerays(sys; raygenerator, trackallrays = true, rayfilter = nothing, test = true)
    return nothing

Focusing HOE example


function draw_HOEcollimate(filename::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing)
    rect = Rectangle(5.0, 5.0, SVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), SVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    int = HologramInterface(
        SVector(0.1, -0.05, -1.0), CollimatedBeam,
        SVector(0.0, 0.0, 10), DivergingBeam,
        0.55, 9.0, Air, Examples_N_BK7, Air, Air, Air, 0.05, false)
    obj = HologramSurface(rect, int)
    sys = CSGOpticalSystem(
        Rectangle(10.0, 10.0, SVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), SVector(0.0, 0.0, -25.0),
        interface = opaqueinterface()))

    raygenerator = Sources.Source(
        transform = Transform(rotmatd(180, 0, 0), Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0)),
        spectrum = Spectrum.DeltaFunction(0.55),
        origins = Origins.Point(),
        directions = Directions.RectGrid(π/4, π/4, 8, 8))

    Vis.drawtracerays(sys; raygenerator, trackallrays = true, rayfilter = nothing, test = true)
    return nothing

Collimating HOE example


function draw_multiHOE(filename::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing)
    rect = Rectangle(5.0, 5.0, SVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), SVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    int1 = HologramInterface(
        SVector(-5.0, 0.0, -20.0), ConvergingBeam,
        SVector(0.0, -1.0, -1.0), CollimatedBeam,
        0.55, 100.0, Air, Examples_N_BK7, Air, Air, Air, 0.05, false)
    int2 = HologramInterface(
        SVector(5.0, 0.0, -20.0), ConvergingBeam,
        SVector(0.0, 1.0, -1.0), CollimatedBeam,
        0.55, 100.0, Air, Examples_N_BK7, Air, Air, Air, 0.05, false)
    mint = MultiHologramInterface(int1, int2)
    obj = MultiHologramSurface(rect, mint)
    sys = CSGOpticalSystem(
        Rectangle(10.0, 10.0, SVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), SVector(0.0, 0.0, -20.0), interface = opaqueinterface()))

    spectrum = Spectrum.DeltaFunction(0.55)
    origins = Origins.RectUniform(3.0, 3.0, 500)
    directions = Directions.Constant(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
    s1 = Sources.Source(; spectrum, origins, directions, sourcenum = 1,
        transform = Transform(rotmatd(-45, 0, 0), Vec3(0.0, 3.0, 3.0)))
    s2 = Sources.Source(; spectrum, origins, directions, sourcenum = 2,
        transform = Transform(rotmatd(45, 0, 0), Vec3(0.0, -3.0, 3.0)))
    s3 = Sources.Source(; spectrum, origins, directions, sourcenum = 3,
        transform = translation(0.0, 0.0, 3.0))
    raygenerator = Sources.CompositeSource(Transform(), [s1, s2, s3])

    Vis.drawtracerays(sys; raygenerator, trackallrays = true, colorbysourcenum = true, rayfilter = nothing, drawgen = true)
    return nothing
┌ Warning: Order 1 not valid for this configuration, skipping this ray
└ @ OpticSim ~/work/OpticSim.jl/OpticSim.jl/src/Optical/Grating.jl:282

Multi-HOE example

Deterministic Raytracing

function draw_stackedbeamsplitters(filenames::Vector{<:Union{Nothing,AbstractString}} = repeat([nothing], 3))
    # ReflectOrTransmit: nondeterministic
    # Transmit: deterministic, all beamsplitters transmissive
    # Reflect: deterministic, all beamsplitters reflective
    interfacemodes = [ReflectOrTransmit, Transmit, Reflect]

    for (interfacemode, filename) in zip(interfacemodes, filenames)
        interface = FresnelInterface{Float64}(Examples_N_BK7, Air; reflectance=0.5, transmission=0.5, interfacemode)
        bs_1 = OpticSim.transform(
                Cuboid(10.0, 20.0, 2.0, interface=interface),
                translation(0.0, 0.0, -30.0-2*sqrt(2))*rotationX(π/4))

        l1 = OpticSim.transform(
            SphericalLens(Examples_N_BK7, -70.0, 30.0, Inf, 5.0, 10.0),
            translation(0.0, -1.34, 0.0))

        bs_2 = OpticSim.transform(
            Cuboid(10.0, 20.0, 2.0, interface=interface),
            translation(0.0, 40.0, -30.0+2*sqrt(2))*rotationX(π/4))
        l2 = OpticSim.transform(
            SphericalLens(Examples_N_BK7, -70.0, 30.0, Inf, 5.0, 10.0),
            translation(0.0, 40.0, 0.0))

        la = LensAssembly(bs_1(), l1(), bs_2(), l2())
        detector = Rectangle(20.0, 40.0, SVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), SVector(0.0, 20.0, -130.0); interface = opaqueinterface())
        sys = CSGOpticalSystem(la, detector)

        Vis.drawtracerays(sys; trackallrays=true, rayfilter=nothing, colorbynhits=true)
    return nothing

Nondeterministic Raytrace Transmission only Reflection only