We are currently in the early stages of implementing optimization for lens surfaces.
We have had success using Optim.jl and ForwardDiff.jl among other packages, though ForwardDiff.jl gradient and hessian pre-compilation can be very slow for complex systems.
Other optimization packages should integrate easily with the system too: JuMP.jl, Ipopt.jl and NLOpt.jl are some options.
Merit functions must currently be implemented by the user, this is quite straight-forward as trace
returns the vast majority of information that could be needed in the form of a LensTrace
which hits the detector (or nothing
if the ray doesn't reach the detector).
There are some helper functions implemented for AxisymmetricOpticalSystem
s which can make optimization of basic systems much easier:
— ModuleOptimization interface consists of two functions optimizationvariables
and updateoptimizationvariables
. optimizationvariables
packs variables to be optimized into a vector. updateoptimizationvariables
receives a vector of variables and creates a new optical system with the variable values.
— Functionoptimizationvariables(a::AxisymmetricOpticalSystem{T}) -> Vector{T}
Pack variables that have been marked to be optimized into a vector in a form suitable for the optimizer. Variables are marked for optimization by having a true value in the :OptimizeName
column, where Name
can be Radius
, Thickness
or Conic
— Functionupdateoptimizationvariables(a::AxisymmetricOpticalSystem{T}, optimizationvariables::Vector{S}) -> AxisymmetricOpticalSystem{S}
Creates a new optical system with updated variables corresponding to the optimization variables.
It is of course possible to write your own optimization loop for more complex (i.e. non-AxisymmetricOpticalSystem) systems and this should work without issue.
using OpticSim
using ForwardDiff
using Optim
function objective(a::AbstractVector{T}, b::AxisymmetricOpticalSystem{T}, samples::Int = 3) where {T}
# RMSE spot size
system = Optimization.updateoptimizationvariables(b, a)
# distribute rays evenly across entrance pupil using HexapolarField
field = HexapolarField(system, collimated = true, samples = samples)
error = zero(T)
hits = 0
for r in field
traceres = trace(system, r, test = true)
if traceres !== nothing # ignore rays which miss
hitpoint = point(traceres)
if abs(hitpoint[1]) > eps(T) && abs(hitpoint[2]) > eps(T)
dist_to_axis = hitpoint[1]^2 + hitpoint[2]^2
error += dist_to_axis
hits += 1
if hits > 0
error = sqrt(error / hits)
# if hits == 0 returns 0 - not ideal!
return error
start, lower, upper = Optimization.optimizationvariables(system)
optimobjective = arg -> objective(arg, system)
gcfg = ForwardDiff.GradientConfig(optimobjective, start, ForwardDiff.Chunk{1}()) # speed up ForwardDiff significantly
hcfg = ForwardDiff.HessianConfig(optimobjective, start, ForwardDiff.Chunk{1}())
g! = (G, x) -> ForwardDiff.gradient!(G, optimobjective, x, gcfg)
h! = (H, x) -> ForwardDiff.hessian!(H, optimobjective, x, hcfg)
df = TwiceDifferentiable(optimobjective, g!, h!, start)
dfc = TwiceDifferentiableConstraints(lower, upper) # constrain the optimization to avoid e.g. thickness < 0
res = optimize(df, dfc, start, algo, Optim.Options(show_trace = true, iterations = 100, allow_f_increases = true))
final = Optim.minimizer(res)
new_system = Optimization.updateoptimizationvariables(system, final)