There are a number of powerful visualization tools available, we primarily rely on 3D visualization of systems using Makie.
There are a number of helper methods, as well as the ability to draw objects, surfaces, points, rays and more individually. For example, looking at rays passing through a system in 3D and 2D:
Vis.drawtracerays(Examples.cooketriplet(), trackallrays=true, test=true, numdivisions=100)
Vis.drawtracerays(Examples.cooketriplet(), trackallrays=true, test=true, numdivisions=100)
Vis.drawtracerays(Examples.cooketriplet(), trackallrays=true, test=true, numdivisions=100, drawsys=true, resolution = (1000, 700))
[ Info: Makie/AbstractPlotting is caching fonts, this may take a while. Needed only on first run!
And the image on the detector for a trace of a system:
Vis.drawtraceimage(Examples.cooketriplet(), test=true)
im = Vis.drawtraceimage(Examples.cooketriplet(Float64, 400), test=true)
Basic Drawing
These methods are all you need to build up a visualization piece by piece. For example:
obj = csgintersection(Sphere(0.5), Plane(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0))()
ray1 = Ray([0.0, -0.1, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0])
ray2 = Ray([0.8, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
Vis.draw!(ray1, rayscale=0.2)
Vis.draw!(ray2, rayscale=0.2, color=:blue)
Vis.draw!(surfaceintersection(obj, ray1), color=:red)
Vis.draw!(surfaceintersection(obj, ray2), color=:green)
— Functionscene(resolution = (1000, 1000))
Create a new Makie scene with the given resolution including control buttons.
— Functiondraw(ob; resolution = (1000, 1000), kwargs...)
Draw an object in a new scene. kwargs
depends on the object type.
— Methoddraw!([scene = currentscene], ob; kwargs...)
Draw an object in an existing scene. kwargs
depends on the object type.
— Functionsave(path::String)
Save the current Makie scene to an image file.
Helper Methods
These are the helper methods to provide common visualizations more easily, as used above. Another example:
Vis.surfacesag(AcceleratedParametricSurface(TestData.zernikesurface2()), (256, 256), (1.55, 1.55))
p = Vis.surfacesag(AcceleratedParametricSurface(TestData.zernikesurface2()), (256, 256), (1.55, 1.55))
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-runner'
— Functiondrawtracerays(system::Q; raygenerator::S = UniformOpticalSource(CollimatedSource(GridRectOriginPoints(5, 5, 5.0, 5.0, position = SVector(0.0, 0.0, 10.0))), 0.55), test::Bool = false, trackallrays::Bool = false, colorbysourcenum::Bool = false, colorbynhits::Bool = false, rayfilter::Union{Nothing,Function} = onlydetectorrays, kwargs...)
Displays a model of the optical system. raygenerator
is an iterator that generates rays. If trackallrays
is true then ray paths from the emitter will be displayed otherwise just the final rays that intersect the image detector will be shown, not the entire ray path. colorbysourcenum
and colorbynhits
will color rays accordingly, otherwise rays will be colored according to their wavelength.
By default only ray paths that eventually intersect the detector surface are displayed. If you want to display all ray paths set rayfilter = nothing
Also drawtracerays!
to add to an existing scene, with drawsys
and drawgen
to specify whether system
and raygenerator
should be drawn respectively.
— Functiondrawtraceimage(system::Q; raygenerator::S = UniformOpticalSource(CollimatedSource(GridRectOriginPoints(25, 25, 5.0, 5.0, position = SVector(0.0, 0.0, 10.0))), 0.55), test::Bool = false)
Traces rays from raygenerator
through system
and shows and returns the detector image. verbose
will print progress updates.
— Functionspotdiag(sys::CSGOpticalSystem{T}, raygenerator::OpticalRayGenerator{T}; size = (500, 500), kwargs...)
Plot a spot diagram for an arbitrary CSGOpticalSystem
and OpticalRayGenerator
. All rays from raygenerator
will be traced through sys
and their intersection location on the detector plotted.
Also spotdiag!
of the same arguments to add to an existing plot.
spotdiag(sys::AxisymmetricOpticalSystem{T}; size = (500, 500), hexapolar::Bool = true, collimated::Bool = true, samples::Int = 5, wavelength::T = 0.55, sourceangle::T = zero(T), sourcepos::SVector{3,T} = SVector{3,T}(0.0, 0.0, 10.0), kwargs...)
Plot a spot diagram for an AxisymmetricOpticalSystem
, rays are distributed across the entrance pupil of the system either in a hexapolar of rectangular grid pattern depending on hexapolar
The input rays can be collimated
, in which case the sourceangle
parameter determines their direction. Otherwise rays are treated as coming from a point source at sourcepos
Also spotdiag!
of the same arguments to add to an existing plot.
— Functionsurfacesag(object::Union{CSGTree{T},Surface{T}}, resolution::Tuple{Int,Int}, halfsizes::Tuple{T,T}; offset::T = T(10), position::SVector{3,T} = SVector{3,T}(0.0, 0.0, 10.0), direction::SVector{3,T} = SVector{3,T}(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), rotationvec::SVector{3,T} = SVector{3,T}(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
Calculates and displays the surface sag of an arbitrary Surface
or CSGTree
Rays are shot in a grid of size defined by resolution
across a arectangular area defined by halfsizes
. This rectangle is centred at postion
with normal along direction
and rotation defined by rotationvec
. offset
is subtracted from the sag measurements to provide values relative to the appropriate zero level.
— Functioneyebox_eval_eye(assembly::LensAssembly{T}, raygen::OpticalRayGenerator{T}, eye_rotation_x::T, eye_rotation_y::T, sample_points_x::Int, sample_points_y::Int; pupil_radius::T = T(2.0), resolution::Int = 512, eye_transform::RigidBodyTransform{T} = identitytransform(T))
Visualise the images formed when tracing assembly
with a human eye for an evenly sampled sample_points_x × sample_points_y
grid in the angular range of eyeball rotations -eye_rotation_x:eye_rotation_x
and -eye_rotation_y:eye_rotation_y
in each dimension respectively. resolution
is the size of the detector image (necessarily square).
The eye must be positioned appropriately relative to the system using eye_transform
, this should transform the eye to the correct position and orientation when at 0 rotation in both dimensions. By default the eye is directed along the positive z-axis with the vertex of the cornea at the origin.
The result is displayed as a 4D image - the image seen by the eye is shown in 2D as normal with sliders to vary eye rotation in x and y. The idea being that the whole image should be visible for all rotations in the range.
— Functioneyebox_eval_planar(assembly::LensAssembly{T}, raygen::OpticalRayGenerator{T}, eyebox::Rectangle{T}, sample_points_x::Int, sample_points_y::Int, vsize::T; pupil_radius::T = T(2.0), resolution::Int = 512)
Visualise the images formed when tracing assembly
for multiple pupil positions within a planar eyebox
. Any angles which are present in a circle radius pupil_radius
around each sampling point on an even sample_points_x × sample_points_y
grid on the eyebox
are added to the sub-image at that grid point.
A paraxial lens focal length 1mm is placed at the eyebox and a detector of size vsize × vsize
mm placed 1mm behind it. The normal of the detector rectangle should point towards the system (and away from the fake detector). Any rays which miss the detector are ignored.
The pupil is always fully contained in the eyebox, i.e., the extreme sample position in u would be eyebox.halfsizeu - pupil_radius
, for example.
The result is displayed as a 4D image - each sub-image is shown as normal with sliders to vary eye rotation in x and y. The idea being that the whole FoV should be visible for all rotations in the range.
Complete Drawing Functions
As mentioned above, Vis.draw!
can be used to draw a large variety of objects, each with their own additional arguments. Here is a full list of the available drawing function and their associated options.
— Functiondraw!([scene = currentscene], ob; kwargs...)
Draw an object in an existing scene. kwargs
depends on the object type.
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, surf::Surface{T}; numdivisions = 20, normals = false, normalcolor = :blue, kwargs...)
Transforms surf
into a mesh using makemesh
and draws the result. normals
of the surface can be drawn at evenly sampled points with provided normalcolor
. numdivisions
determines the resolution with which the mesh is triangulated. kwargs
is passed on to the TriangleMesh
drawing function.
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, tmesh::TriangleMesh{T}; linewidth = 3, shaded = true, wireframe = false, color = :orange, normals = false, normalcolor = :blue, transparency = false, kwargs...)
Draw a TriangleMesh
, optionially with a visible wireframe
. kwargs
are passed on to Makie.mesh
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, meshes::Vararg{S}; colors::Bool = false, kwargs...) where {T<:Real,S<:Union{TriangleMesh{T},Surface{T}}}
Draw a series of TriangleMesh
or Surface
objects, if colors
is true then each mesh will be colored automatically with a diverse series of colors. kwargs
are is passed on to the drawing function for each element.
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, csg::Union{CSGTree,CSGGenerator}; numdivisions::Int = 20, kwargs...)
Convert a CSG object (CSGTree
or CSGGenerator
) to a mesh using makemesh
with resolution set by numdivisions
and draw the resulting TriangleMesh
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, bbox::BoundingBox{T}; kwargs...)
Draw a BoundingBox
as a wireframe, ie series of lines.
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, ass::LensAssembly; kwargs...)
Draw each element in a LensAssembly
, with each element automatically colored differently.
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, sys::OpticalSystem; kwargs...)
Draw each element in the lens assembly of an OpticalSystem
, with each element automatically colored differently, as well as the detector of the system.
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, origingenerator::RayOriginGenerator; kwargs...)
Draw the surface representing origingenerator
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, raygen::OpticalRayGenerator, norays::Bool = false; kwargs...)
Draw the surface representing raygen
, as well as some sample OpticalRay
s eminating from it (providing norays
is false).
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, raygen::GeometricRayGenerator, norays::Bool = false; kwargs...)
Draw the surface representing raygen
, as well as some sample Ray
s eminating from it (providing norays
is false).
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, rays::AbstractVector{<:AbstractRay{T,N}}; kwargs...)
Draw a vector of Ray
or OpticalRay
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, traces::AbstractVector{LensTrace{T,N}}; kwargs...)
Draw a vector of LensTrace
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, trace::LensTrace{T,N}; colorbysourcenum::Bool = false, colorbynhits::Bool = false, kwargs...)
Draw a LensTrace
as a line which can be colored automatically by its sourcenum
or nhits
attributes. The alpha is determined by the power
attribute of trace
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, ray::OpticalRay{T,N}; colorbysourcenum::Bool = false, colorbynhits::Bool = false, kwargs...)
Draw an OpticalRay
which can be colored automatically by its sourcenum
or nhits
attributes. The alpha of the ray is determined by the power
attribute of ray
. kwargs
are passed to draw!(scene, ray::Ray)
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, ray::Ray{T,N}; color = :yellow, rayscale = 1.0, kwargs...)
Draw a Ray
in a given color
optionally scaling the size using rayscale
. kwargs
are passed to Makie.arrows
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, du::DisjointUnion{T}; kwargs...)
Draw each Interval
in a DisjointUnion
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, intervals::AbstractVector{Interval{T}}; kwargs...)
Draw a vector of Interval
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, interval::Interval{T}; kwargs...)
Draw an Interval
as a line with circles at each Intersection
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, intersection::Intersection; normal::Bool = false, kwargs...)
Draw an Intersection
as a circle, optionally showing the surface normal at the point.
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, lines::AbstractVector{Tuple{AbstractVector{T},AbstractVector{T}}}; kwargs...)
Draw a vector of lines.
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, line::Tuple{AbstractVector{T},AbstractVector{T}}; color = :yellow, kwargs...)
Draw a line between two points, kwargs
are passed to Makie.linesegments
draw!(s::MakieLayout.LScene, point::AbstractVector{T}; kwargs...)
Draw a single point, kwargs
are passed to draw!(scene, points::AbstractVector{AbstractVector{T}})
draw!(scene::MakieLayout.LScene, points::AbstractVector{AbstractVector{T}}; markersize = 20, color = :black, kwargs...)
Draw a vector of points. kwargs
are passed to Makie.scatter
Known Issues
If the Makie plot is printing to the console rather than showing properly in a separate window then call Vis.AbstractPlotting.__init__()
. This will only occur when using a system image including the OpticSim package.