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ps-rule module#


Use the module command to manage or restore modules tracked by the module lock file and configured options. (ps-rule.lock.json). The module lock file, provides consistent module versions across multiple machines and environments. For more information, see Lock file.


PSRule CLI command-line
ps-rule module [subcommand] [options]

To use the module command, choose one of the available subcommands:

module init#

Initialize a new lock file based on existing options. Using this command, the module lock file is created or updated.

If ps-rule.yaml option are configured to included module (Include.Modules), these a automatically added to the lock file. Any required version constraints set by the Requires option are taken into consideration.

Optional parameters:

  • --force - Force the creation of a new lock file, even if one already exists.

For example:

PSRule CLI command-line
ps-rule module init

For example, force the creation of a new lock file, even if one already exists:

PSRule CLI command-line
ps-rule module init --force

module list#

List any module and the installed versions from the lock file.

module add#

Add one or more modules to the module lock file. If the lock file does not exist, it is created.

By default, the latest stable version of the module is added. Any required version constraints set by the Requires option are taken into consideration.

To use a specific module version, use the --version argument.

Optional parameters:

  • --version - Specifies a specific version of the module to add. By default, the latest stable version of the module is added. Any required version constraints set by the Requires option are taken into consideration.
  • --prerelease - Accept pre-release versions in addition to stable module versions. By default, pre-release versions are not included. A pre-release version may also be accepted when Requires includes pre-releases.

For example:

PSRule CLI command-line
ps-rule module add PSRule.Rules.Azure

For example, a specific version of the module is added:

PSRule CLI command-line
ps-rule module add PSRule.Rules.Azure --version 1.39.3

For example, include pre-release versions added:

PSRule CLI command-line
ps-rule module add PSRule.Rules.Azure --prerelease

module remove#

Remove one or more modules from the lock file.

For example:

PSRule CLI command-line
ps-rule module remove PSRule.Rules.Azure

module restore#

Restore modules from the module lock file (ps-rule.lock.json) and configured options.

Optional parameters:

  • --force - Restore modules even when an existing version that meets constraints is already installed locally.

For example:

PSRule CLI command-line
ps-rule module restore

For example, force restore of all modules:

PSRule CLI command-line
ps-rule module restore --force

module upgrade#

Upgrade to the latest versions for all or a specific module within the lock file.

Optional parameters:

  • --prerelease - Accept pre-release versions in addition to stable module versions. By default, pre-release versions are not included. A pre-release version may also be accepted when Requires includes pre-releases.

For example:

PSRule CLI command-line
ps-rule module upgrade

For example, upgrade a specific module and include pre-release versions:

PSRule CLI command-line
ps-rule module upgrade PSRule.Rules.Azure --prerelease

Next steps#

For more information on the module lock file, see Lock file.

To find out more about the commands available with the PSRule CLI, see PSRule CLI.
